Voice of the Heart

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[ Neither the picture nor the content belongs to me. All the rights belong to the respective author. It is only used for entertainment purposes not to offend anyone.]


JAMESON was relieved when an ice ball (with a smiley face) appeared before him and Lady Solenn. "Lord Winter is f*cking safe. The f*cking Black Serpent recognized him," he said, then he turned to the little princess. "What should we f*cking do now, Lady Solenn?"

"We must head to the North right away," Solenn said. "Lady Nystrom is going to descend down anytime so I want to gather all her allies as soon as possible."


"I'M NOT going to say goodbye to the Fire Mages," Irene declared while tying the ribbon of her cloak around her waist. She wore a plain red cloak over a very villainess-ish type of dress. She had prepared that much to meet her nemesis. In short, she was dressed to kill- literally. "That's why I'm sneaking out tonight."

Right now, she stood in the center of a circular platform that would literally drop her off later while being surrounded by Solaris, Luna, and the remaining Keepers.

That platform was in the prayer room dedicated to the Supreme Fire Mage. Yep, she had her own prayer room. But she rarely visited it because it made her feel uncomfortable. After all, she was still alive and she wasn't that arrogant to think that she was a god.

I'm not as delusional as Taeyeon Moonchester.

"Our people will be sad if they find out that you leave when they were sleeping, Supreme," Solaris said with a sad smile. "But I understand why you're doing this."

"Please be safe, Supreme," Kelsi said with sparkling eyes (because of tears). "I will take care of Wong while we're on our way to rescue Lord Wixx."

Wong glared at Kelsi. "Who's taking care of whom?"

"Supreme, please come back safely," Maddox and Braxton both said in a cracked voice. "We will protect Solarium until you return."

"Lady Luna and I will follow you soon," Roarke said. He and Luna would be using the two-seater ship to descend down. Luckily, she didn't need that. "Please take care until then."

"Irene, please, please, please don't do anything reckless," Luna begged her. "Just stick to the plan, okay? Remember that we planned everything for the past five years very carefully. You don't want to ruin that, do you?"

"Of course, I won't mess this up for us," she assured the witch. "Leave it to me, everyone."

They nodded at her words.

Even though she was a little troublemaker sometimes, she could feel the faith of everyone on her. For that reason, she knew she couldn't fail this mission.

"I'm ready now," Irene declared seriously. When she moved her shoulders, her flaming red wings appeared on her back. This time, her wings were bigger, stronger, and "hotter" than ever. "Everyone, let's rock Taeyeon Moonchester's world."

Literally, of course.

Solaris, Wong, Kelsi, Maddox, Braxton, and Roarke all raised their hands with their palms facing her.

On the other hand, Luna stepped backwards.

And the witch did that because a few moments later, strong and powerful flames came out of the Keepers' palms. Those flames were absorbed by her flames. It would serve as "additional fuel" and protection so that her descent would be faster than normal without hurting her.

When she had absorbed enough flames, the platform that she stood on opened without warning, dropping her off instantly.

She wasn't scared because right then, her giant red flaming wings spread wide open.

Taeyeon Moonchester, I hope you're still awake, Irene said to herself. Well, I'm sure you'll wake up anyway once your nightmare begins.


TAEYEON immediately got up when he was awakened by a strong earthquake.

He stood up and was about to leave his room to check on Tiffany when his eyes caught a glimpse of the strange sky.

What is that?

He walked towards his balcony and when he opened the doors, he was surprised to see a straight burning red line in the dark sky. He couldn't believe it but he could feel a very strong Mana coming from it.

No... this Mana...

"Hello, Taeyeon Moonchester."

His eyes widened when he heard the familiar voice. When he turned around, he was greeted by the greatest "thorn" in his throat.

It was Irene Nystrom- dressed in a little red dress and black over the knee boots.

Her hair was jet-black hair now, and her lips were as red as blood.

And so were the flaming wings on her back.

Taeyeon smirked even though he'd admit that his knees almost buckled at the heavy presence of the Supreme Fire Mage. "Lady Nystrom, does Lisa know that you visit other men at this hour behind his back?"

"You're not a man, Taeyeon Moonchester. You're just a roach," Lady Nystrom said with a mocking laugh. "When will you stop pretending to be someone or something that you're not?"


WINTER smiled when his father wrapped him in a warm and thick blanket. "Dad, I don't get cold. My dominant Mana is ice."

"I know that people like us don't get cold," his father said worriedly. "But that doesn't mean you won't catch a cold just because your dominant Mana is ice."

Well, that was true.

That's what Mom always tells me as well.

Anyway, he just took a bath and changed into his pajamas. Thankfully, his giant backpack didn't get wet even if he literally froze the boat he was in a while ago.

After that, his father brought him to his room to wrap him in a blanket.

"Have you eaten?" his father asked when he sat beside him. "What do you want to eat?"

"King Crabs," he said right away. "And lobsters, prawns, and tuna! Basically, anything seafood."

He didn't miss the faint smile on his father's almost-stoic face. "Do you like seafood, Winter?"

"I love it, Dad."

His father looked at him as if he was proud of him. "I'll cook a seafood platter for you, little rascal," he said while ruffling his hair. "But first, can you tell me where your mom is?"

He shook his head. His mother told him to never reveal the location of the Fire Mages even to his father. His mommy said that even though she wanted to trust his dad 100%, she couldn't do that knowing that someone else could take over his father's body anytime.

While it hurt him that his mommy couldn't trust his father completely yet, he understood where his mommy was coming from.

And Mommy promised me that she'll kick out whoever it is inside Daddy's body soon.

"I'm sorry but I can't tell you, Dad," Winter said with a heavy heart. "And I ran away from home."

His eyes widened in shock. "You ran away from home? But why? Winter, while I'm happy to be with you, I don't like that you're making your mommy worry."

"It's your fault, Dad."

He blinked in confusion. "How is it my fault, you little rascal?"

"I heard that you're marrying another woman, Dad," he said coldly. "A woman named Tzuyu Morganna. Or Huxley." He rolled his eyes. "Whatever her name is."

"That's not true," he said without missing a heartbeat. Winter also liked the fact that his father looked disgusted upon hearing the rumor. "I don't know where you heard that from but I have no intention of marrying another woman when I already have your mom."

"Dad, that's so cheesy," he complained even though he was happy to hear that his father remained faithful to his mother all these years. And that made him wonder. "Dad, I thought your memories were erased. How come you seem like you didn't forget about my mommy?"

"I've seen the videos and pictures that she secretly left for me," his father said softly. "I've also read the notes where she instructed me on how to act while we were apart. Thanks to the reminders that she left, I became more aware of my surroundings. Based on my investigation, I found out that the things that your mother said about our enemies are correct."

"What do you mean by that, Dad?"

"His Majesty would send me Moonflowers monthly," he said. "I found out that the Moonflowers by the royal family were used to mind manipulate people. Because I was aware that I was being brainwashed, the Moonflowers eventually lost its effect on me. I'm forever in debt with Louisa and David for protecting me all these years."

He nodded and believed his father's words.

Mommy told me that she gave protection to Louisa and David so that House Nystrom won't completely fall into the hands of the Moonchesters.

"Do you still not trust me, Winter?" his father asked carefully. "You were testing me, weren't you?"

He nodded because it seemed like he couldn't lie to his father at that point. "Yes, Dad. I'm sorry but even if I trust you more now, I still can't tell you where Mommy is. We don't know when you'll be controlled by someone else. I have to protect my mother."

Instead of getting upset, it looked his father was impressed with him.

"Good job, son," he said proudly, then he ruffled his hair again. "Thank you for protecting your mommy. I won't ask about her whereabouts from now on. But I hope you answer this one: Is your mother doing well?"

"Mommy is as feisty as ever," he assured his father. "She told me to kick your butt if it was true that you're getting married with another woman."

His father chuckled, completely breaking the "stoic" look on his face. "That sounds like your mom," he said as his face softened up. "Even though I don't remember our memories together, the videos she left me were enough to tell me how feisty she is."

He saw the longing in his father's eyes.

The five years must have been really hard for you, Dad.

The past years were also hard for his mother. But at least, she had him by her side. On the other hand, his father was stuck with a fake son and had to act like a puppet.

"Dad, I'm here now," Winter said to his father while patting his back gently. "You've work hard alone. But don't worry, Dad. You'll never have to be alone again."

His father suddenly became emotional. Then, he leaned down to hug him tight. "Thank you for coming back to me, Winter," he whispered in a cracked voice. "I can't wait to reunite with your mommy soon."


"I SEE that your tongue is still as sharp as usual, Lady Nystrom."

"My tongue isn't the only sharp thing that I have, Taeyeon Moonchester," Irene said with a smirk, then she flapped her flaming red wings. "Be careful, Sir Gregory," she said without even looking back. No matter how quiet the old knight thought he was when he entered the room, her sharp senses immediately recognized him. After all, for the past five years, she thoroughly studied the people around Taeyeon Moonchester. "My wings can kill you."

"Wow, I don't know whom I'm facing now," Taeyeon Moonchester said with an arrogant smirk. "Should I address you as 'Lady Nystrom' or as 'Lady Rosenberg?'"

"Neither," she said. Part of their plan was to act like she hadn't retrieved her memories yet. "To be honest, I don't know who I am either. They told me that I was the Supreme. For the past five years, I just followed their orders. That includes studying about the royal family and the people around you." She snapped her fingers and acted as nonchalantly as she could. "Ah, they also told me about Lisa Nystrom- my "husband.""

Thank you for the many years of acting lessons, Kelsi.

It seemed like the emperor believed that she still didn't have her memories back. "So you're nothing but the Fire Mages' pretty doll now?"

"It takes one to know one, huh?" she said mockingly. "After all, you're also just a puppet of some god. Aren't you, Taeyeon Moonchester?"

"How dare you disrespect the emperor, you insolent Fire Mage!" Sir Gregory snarled.

Taeyeon Moonchester's eyes widened. "Sir Gregory, no!"

It was too late though.

When Sir Gregory tried to stab her back with his sword, her wings automatically protected her from the attack.

After the blade of the sword touched the flaming feathers of her wings, her red flame turned into very hot lava. It crawled on the blade and melted the sword so fast that the old knight didn't have time to let go of it.

As a result, Sir Gregory screamed in pain while his whole body was getting covered by lava in an alarming pace. And in just the blink of an eye, the old knight melted until only a puddle of lava was left on the floor. Not even his bones remained.

Taeyeon Moonchester could only scream in anger and agony as he watched his closest aide melt into nothingness in front of him.

Yes, you should feel that helpless, Taeyeon Moonchester.

"I told you to be careful of my wings," Irene said coldly without even turning to where Sir Gregory had melted. Before her lava melted the floor, her wings absorbed it back. "RIP, Sir Gregory--- as in rot in hell." "AMILO, MY son has found me," Lisa told the jewel maker when he interrupted him in his workroom. "Don't ask questions."

Well, to be honest, he really didn't know how Winter found him.

"Dad, please don't ask questions."

That was Winter's request.

He decided to respect that. Also, he knew that his son was doing that to protect his mother. And to be honest, he didn't care about that anymore.

The important thing is I'm with my son now.

"Congratulations on being reunited with Lord Winter, Your Grace," Amilo said in a gentle voice. He didn't smile but his usually strict face softened up. "The young lord was only a baby when I last saw him. He must be a big boy now."

He smiled proudly. "Yes, but he'll always be a baby to me."

"Understandable," the jewel maker said. "Would you like to have some tea, Your Grace?"

He nodded. It looked like Amilo already knew that he had something important to talk to him about. He wouldn't interrupt him at work for nothing.

While Amilo was preparing tea, he sat on the sofa in the lounge area of the workroom.

He intended to keep his conversation with jewel maker short because he didn't want Winter to disappear from his sight for a long time. Even though his son was just sleeping next door, he still felt anxious to be separated from him.

"My lord, what is it that you need to talk with me?" Amilo said when they were sitting across from each other while having tea. "I'm certain that it has something to do with Lord Winter."

Lisa nodded, then sipped his tea before he spoke. "I'll bring Winter with us back to the Royal Capital. But he can't stay with me at the main mansion yet. Now that Louisa and David are still missing, I can't trust anyone in my own home anymore."

He tried reaching out to Duke Sherwood to ask him about Louisa and David. But for some reason, he couldn't contact the duke.

I hope he was able to save Louisa and David.

"Lord Nystrom, do you want me to look after the young lord for the meantime?" Amilo asked. "I promise to take good care of him."

"That's not the only thing that I want to ask from you," he said. "Amilo, I actually want you to move to the annex building of my mansion. I will limit the servants' access to the annex. They will only be allowed to enter the building if it's time to bring food. As an excuse, I will tell them that they can't disturb you while you're working on our new collection."

"Wouldn't it be better if we completely ban them from entering the annex, my lord?" the jewel maker asked. "As long as I have supply of ingredients, I can make food for me and Lord Winter. I can also do other chores to serve the young lord better. I just think that it will be much better if we don't risk Lord Winter being seen by anyone."

He shook his head. "They will only get suspicious if I completely shut down the entire annex. Winter is smart so he'll understand if I say that he needs to hide for the meantime."

It hurt him that he would need to ask his son to hide in their own mansion.

But until the servants of House Nystrom were still under the control of the emperor, he couldn't bring Winter to the main mansion for his safety.

Dad will sort this out as soon as possible, our little rascal.

"I understand, Lord Nystrom," Amilo said while nodding his head. "I will protect Lord Winter at all cost."

Lisa was relieved to hear that. "Thank you, Amilo."


"I KNOW that you're trying to ascend the heavens to become a god," Irene said, then she sipped her tea before she continued. "I'll give you a chance to fulfill your lifelong wish."

It was a huge risk, she'd admit that.

She knew that they should hide the things that Taeyeon Moonchester needed instead of offering them to him. But she heard that even though Soleil Rosenberg did exactly that many years ago, she still failed to defeat the Moonchesters.

But she wasn't doing things differently to spite her past self.

As Irene Prescott-Nystrom, she was using her knowledge from her second life to her advantage. To be honest, the things that she learned from the modern world had been very handy in her fight against an old monarch.

Also, she would like to thank all the anime, Kdrama, and N*tflix shows she had seen in her second life that taught her how to be a "protagonist" in this lifetime.

My life is a fantasy romance series.

"Good story," Taeyeon Moonchester said with a smirk. "I love your confidence now, Lady Nystrom. You talk as if you really know my "lifelong wish.""

"Good acting," Irene said with a smirk of her own. "I love watching you sprout b*ll**, Taeyeon Moonchester. You talk like a pathetic lair that you are."

The emperor clearly looked unimpressed by her sarcasm.

Elis Ripperton, on the other hand, stifled a laughter.

"The Moon Serpent's heart and the soul of your beloved," she continued with a big smile. "Those are two of the things that you need." She raised a finger and playfully waved it at him. "You also need the branch of the Great Fire Tree to create the key that you want, don't you?"

Taeyeon Moonchester turned serious. "How did you know-"

"I'll give you seven days to think about my offer," she said, cutting him off because she didn't have any intention of answering his question. Then, she put the tea cup down on her table. "Once you decide to cooperate with me, I'll give you the full details of our game." She snapped her fingers when she remembered something important. "By that time, I need Tiffany Moonchester to be included in our talk."

"Tiffany was exiled because of you," he snarled.

She laughed when she remembered that it was her who exposed the royal princess's secret- just like what she did in her first life. But this time, she exposed it as retaliation instead of her greed. "Ah, right. Exposing Tiffany Moonchester's secret to the whole empire was my farewell gift to you back then, Taeyeon Moonchester. Did you like it?"

He just glared at her a response.

"Come on, don't be upset," she teased him. "I know that you've been taking good care of your beloved sister. Her official "punishment" was getting exiled but we both know that it's nothing more than a long vacation in the side country for the princess. I'm sure that you have plenty of ways to contact her. So make sure that she'd be able to attend our meeting after seven days or else, I'm taking back my offer."

"Fine," the emperor said begrudgingly. "How will I contact you after seven days?"

"I'll come to you just like how I did tonight," she said. "If you ask your people to follow or look for me for the next days, our deal will be automatically cancelled."

"And then what?" he asked mockingly. "What will you do then?"

"You wouldn't want to know what I can do, Taeyeon Moonchester," she said with a sweet smile. When he didn't have a retort, she stood up and picked up her cloak that she hanged on the back of her chair. "Anyway, it's time for my beauty sleep so I'll be going ahead."

"Have a good night, Lady Nystrom," Taeyeon Moonchester said in a sarcastic tone. "See you after seven days."

"Let me at least walk you to the balcony, Supreme," Elis Ripperton said. "If you don't allow me to do that much, I'll chase you."

Irene raised a brow but she didn't turn his offer down. After all, she still needed to somehow manipulate the Blue Dragon. "Alright, I'll let you accompany me as a thanks to the wonderful tea that you prepared, Elis Ripperton."


IRENE was a little startled when a gust of wind closed the door of the balcony behind them.

It was kind of weird to stay in that balcony while Taeyeon Moonchester was still in his room. But she figured that was Elis Ripperton's way of assuring the emperor that he wouldn't betray him for her. After all, the Blue Dragon willingly followed Taeyeon Moonchester.

"Aren't you going to throw up?" Elis Ripperton asked. He was leaning against the railing of the balcony with his arms crossed over his chest. "You used to throw up after you killed people even if they were enemies who tried to hurt you."

"The old Supreme can't come to the phone right now," Irene said that obviously confused the Blue Dragon. But she didn't care if he didn't get her pop culture reference. "Oh, 'cause she's dead."

"You're really hard to understand now," the Blue Dragon said while shaking his head.

"It's only hard for you to understand me because you're not the right person for me," she said bluntly. "The right one will get me despite what I say or do."

"Are you referring to the Black Serpent?"

"I don't really remember him," she lied with a shrug, then she changed the topic. "I don't have time to waste with you, Elis Ripperton. Tell me what you need."

In just the blink of an eye, Elis Ripperton was already in front of her while cupping her face. "Nothing," he whispered. "I'm just glad that you're still alive, Soleil."

"I'm Irene Prescott-Nystrom now," Irene said with a roll of her eyes. And then, she made her body literally hot enough to make Elis Ripperton let go of her face. Good because she didn't like being touched without consent. When the Blue Dragon took a step backwards, she moved her shoulders until her wings sprouted in her back. "And Elis Ripperton, if you're in love with Soleil Rosenberg or something, forget it," she said, then she gave him double thumbs down. "You were never my type and never will be."


LISA felt pissed for some reason.

He didn't know why but he suddenly felt the urge to punch someone in the face.

God, why do I suddenly feel agitated?

To calm himself down, he just turned to Winter's peaceful sleeping face. Right now, he was sitting beside his son while watching him sleep. He wanted to make sure that he wouldn't disappear when he woke up next morning.

My son is really here with me now.

Looking at Winter was effective in soothing him.

He was about to pull the blanket over his son's neck when she noticed the earring in his left ear light up. Since he had been working with spirit stones embedded in jewelry, he recognized that it was a communication device and not a simple earring.

His heart suddenly beat erratically at the thought of who might be calling his son at that hour.

Could it be...

He knew that it was wrong to touch his son's belongings. But he couldn't stop himself from quickly yet carefully snatching the earring from Winter's ear. Then, without hesitation, he put the earring in his own ear and tapped it to receive the call.

"Winter, my little cinnamon roll," said a lovely voice of a woman on the other end of the line. "How's my baby?"

"I'm fine," Lisa automatically answered even though he knew that she was referring to Winter when she said "baby." Maybe it was because he was excited to finally hear the voice of his wife again. He had been playing the videos of her every night but hearing her voice right in his ear made him ecstatic. God, he missed her like crazy even though he had his memories of her erased. "How about you, my lovely Irene?"

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