Taeyeon Moonchester's New Game

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[ Neither the picture nor the content belongs to me. All the rights belong to the respective author. It is only used for entertainment purposes not to offend anyone.]

"LORD FORRESTER, is there a way for me to remember the life that I had before the reset?" Julian asked the former saint while he was walking him back to his room. Well, it wasn't like he needed to do that. He just wanted to talk to Lord Forrester without Winter. His brother was a worrywart and he didn't want him to unnecessarily worry about him. "The memories that the Sun God showed us didn't include mine."

"I don't want to say this but" Lord Forrester stopped when they reached his room. Then, he faced him and pointed at himself. "Lord Julian, I'm pretty useless without my Holy Scepter. A few years ago, I was a little more useful because back then, I could still use my divine power. But after my deadly match with Taeyeon Moonchester and the Golden Tiger, the remaining divine power in me had been drained."

"But you're the son of the Sky God," he said, confused. "You're supposed to be overflowing with divine powers. How did yours get drained?"

"I know, right?" he agreed with a firm nod. Then, he raised one finger. "But Lord Julian, don't you remember what kind of weapon the Holy Scepter is?"

"A living weapon that feeds on its owner's divine power" He trailed-off when he realized that it was the answer to his question a while ago. "Oh."

"Yes, the Holy Scepter fed on my divine power a long time ago," the former saint said. "When I said my divine power was sealed, I mean it was sealed inside the scepter. I can only freely use it if the Holy Scepter is in my hands."

"Ah, I see."

The former saint fell silent for a while before he spoke again. "You're practically a god because of who your parents are, Lord Julian. Having your memories intact despite how many times you get reborn is supposed to be the privilege of someone like you. But because of your mother's punishment, you practically lost that privilege. Even your mother and father had their memories erased. That's probably the price they had to pay to get what they wanted in the past."

"I understand why Mother lost her memories," he said. "But what about Father? What did he do to lose that privilege?"

Lord Forrester let out a deep sigh. "Lord Julian, your father used to be a very difficult person in the past. He didn't know how to communicate properly and he did things on his own without even consulting your mother. To simply put, he pulled some strings in the past to have your family safely reborn into this lifetime. But it seems like even the Black Serpent has forgotten the things that he had to sacrifice for it to happen. For a god, losing their memories is like suicide."

Yeah, that was the cause of all their problems: missing memories.

"Lord Forrester, when humans are reborn into a new lifetime, the memories of their past lives are wiped off," he said carefully. "Where do those memories go? Do they just disappear? Or is there a place where they are kept?"

"There's this place called 'Plane' where some gods usually reside to watch over their favorite humans," the former saint explained. "The Plane is also the world between the living and the dead. The souls or the spirits of those who have died stay there while they await for their reincarnation. There are 'officers' in the Plane that collect the memories of the humans who are about to get reborn."

"Have you been there?"

"Yes, since I already died a few times," he said. "Humans forget about their time in the Plane when they get reborn. But since I'm a son of the Sky God, my memories of it stay with me. Although I'm not supposed to talk about it to other people."

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