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“Hello Miss jessi, omg.. you're more beautiful in person” As Jessi and her manager, taehyung arrived at 'Bongsan House', the manager of Gucci, complimented her or should we say buttered her.

“Thank you” She replied and took a seat in front of him, as well as taehyung, beside her.

“As you know, winter is on the way, we would like to release our winter collection, as usual. And we want to cast you as the brand embassador. The collection is ready, if you agree then we can arrange a shoot this monday. So what do you say?” The manager said.

“We will to have a contract with you. But since, we all knew, that the brand is not much new and it must had a brand embassador before so what happened to the previous one?” At taehyung's question, the manager stiffened a bit, in his seat and made eye contact with the assistant designer, whom he had brought along with him.

“Actually... t-the previous embassador was demanding for more payment and since, we were paying her more than she deserves, we refused to do so. And so she quite working with us... yeah!” The manager akwardly smile at last, before clearing his throat.

“Impressive! But will you now bother to inform us of real incident? or else we have our ways to know about it” Taehyung threatened. What can we expect from a experienced person, who had worked in the industry for a quiet long time. He immediately knew that the manager was lying.

“Ahhh... what are you saying? ha ha ha” The manager laughed akwardly and tried to cover up but when he noticed the serious expression on their face, he didn't had any choice except for telling them. He glanced at the assistant designer before informing.

“Actually... she had refused to do the... bold photoshoot.. of our summer collection”

“But.. as much as I know, Gucci don't produce any under garments or that type of products, so why do they need to do a bold photoshoot?” This time jessi asked.

“Actually.. These days, the competition between brands has extended. Every brand you see, they are doing bold photoshoots to gain more attention. And they has started doing one more thing, these days, which is to make couple photoshoots. They pick fan's favorite ships and cast them together, to give more content to the shipper fans. We don't have any way, instead of doing it or else you would see the locks at the door of Gucci Company” The manager finished with a sigh.

Jessi leaned towards her manager in order to ask that this contract is suitable for her or not. After discussing, she agreed to have contract with them. Since she had no problem in doing bold photoshoots too.

Now, as the deal has been done, they ordered some delicious meal to chew on.

Halfway into the dinner, taehyung's phone started to rang, he picked it up and saw the caller ID, showing an unknown number. He excused himself and went to a secluded area to answer the call.

“Hello, who is it?”

“hello~ hehe, can I talk to miss Jessi?” The other person said between giggles. Taehyung understood that, it is some fan of Jessi. He had have them multiple times and he knew how to deal with it.

“There's no Jessi named person here. Wrong number” He replied harshly and hung up. Slipping his phone in his pocket, he was about to turn around to go back but just then, his gaze fell upon someone familiar.

He saw Jungkook with a girl. And not any girl, he knew well that she was Lee Areum. They were talking and smiling ear to ear. But due to the distance, he couldn't hear that what they were talking.

His blood boiled at the sight. There, his best friend, Jimin was sulking and crying for this man and here, this man was having dinner with someone else, smiling cheerfully. He thought that why was he taking jungkook's side and consoling jimin that, he would never cheat on him.

His one side was telling him to caught jungkook red handed but the other was stopping him from doing it. If he will do that, then what will he say? He didn't have any proof that Jungkook was committed.

Jungkook could easily refuse from dating jimin, cause they hadn't made it public, yet. And there will be a risk of losing his job and make jimin's career in danger too. So it would be better, if he will have some patience for now.

First, he had to expose this man's real self, in front of Jimin. He brought his phone and clicked some of their picture. Thankfully, he got that idea.

He kept those pictures as evidence, cause of course, Jimin won't gonna believe him that his beloved boyfriend cheated on him. Putting back his phone in his pocket, taehyung glared at them one last time, before walking back to his table.

Time skip:

Jungkook stepped into his house after having amazing time with someone. He was hoping to find Jimin asleep but to his dismay, Jimin was wide awake and was waiting for his arrival.

As soon as Jimin saw him, he ran to his boyfriend and asked, worriedly, “Kook, are you okay? Where were you? I called you many times but you weren't answering.. I got so worri-”

“yeah, yeah.. I was at the studio when I got a call from Mingyu so I went to him and I couldn't realize that the time flew so fast” jungkook answered, lazily.

“Ohh... okay! then fresh up, today, I made the dinner. Let's eat togeth-”

“No thanks, I already ate. You should have yourself” Jungkook said and yawned, walking towards the stairs, indicating that he was going to sleep now.

Jimin remained froze for a moment and not gonna lie, his heart ached a bit, when he get to know that jungkook already ate without him, when he was starving himself to eat together.

“Okay! But... can we at least make l-love today?” Jimin asked, putting his appetite aside. Jungkook turned around and looked at him.

“Jimin!... I'm tired. I can't even move an inch of myself, right now. You don't know, how much I am struggling to go to bedroom. I'm just gonna sleep, straight away” Jungkook said and started to climb the stairs.

“Ohh! Okay.. do you need help then?”

“No thanks, you should eat and sleep too” Jimin heard him saying after he disappeard through the door of their bedroom.

A few drops of tears fell from jimin's eyes. He wiped them and walked towards the kitchen. After putting the food in freezer, he left without eating anything.

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