Father Like Son

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His first week had passed without too many issues, he was learning to ignore the stares. Today though whilst Kai sat at the Slytherin table with his friends enjoying breakfast, a young Gryffindor came running in screaming "He's been sighted! He's been sighted!" Everyones attention turned to the boy who read the headline aloud, "Sirius Black, the most infamous prisoner – from Azkaban, – has been sighted in Dufftown by an astute Muggle."

Everyones eyes drifted to Kai, he could even feel the teachers staring this time. He swallowed his sip of coffee, calmly getting up from the table and moving to leave the hall before a brazen Gryffindor sixth year blocked his exit.

"Where are you off to, Black? Seems suspicious that you'd want to leave after the announcement. Off to find daddy and tell him to be more careful?" the older boy taunted.

Taking a deep breath, Kai tried to compose himself. "If I were you, I'd get out of my way, Challock." he said calmly. Everyone was frozen watching the scene before them, he saw Theo move to get up and he held out a hand to stop him.

"Or what? You going to make your psycho daddy proud?" Challock pressed, squaring up to the Slytherin.

"You seem awfully keen on calling my father daddy, Challock. Have you spoken to a therapist about that? I'm sure it is nothing to worry about, just might be a result in the fact that your father has been a drunk lunatic ever since him and your uncle were on trial for helping Voldemort. No, they weren't convicted but the evidence speaks for itself." he growled, eyes narrowing.

The boy was in too much of a shock to stop Kai brushing past him. "You don't belong here, Black. You belong in Azkaban with your crazy father. Like Father like son." He called finding his voice.

"If I was anything like how my father is betrayed in the papers, you'd be dead by now." he called back, leaving the hall and heading to the astronomy tower to try and calm down before potions class.

Theo found him twenty minutes later, he was sat by the railing his feet dangling down as he looked out over the school grounds. He often came up to the astronomy tower when he needed to calm down, or if him and his friends ever wanted to get high. Theo was the only one who out of their friends who knew that Black used the tower as his emotional hide out though.

"You ok? If it helps even the golden trio defended you, and Enzo may have detention for punching Challock in the face." he chuckled, coming and sitting beside the other.

"Enzo punched Challock?" he questioned, raising a brow. "What did the golden trio have to say?"

"Well, he was going to hex him but Rowan took his wand, so he decked him." he explained, "Hermione told Challock that it was wrong for him to judge you on your fathers mistakes and that you weren't him.. But then all the other Gryffindors started a hall wide debate over it all. I think half the school thinks you are ok."

"They think I'm ok?" he asked, turning to face Theo. He guessed he was fine with them all thinking he was 'ok', but he didn't really know if that was a good thing on or not.

"Well, as ok as you can be for being a Slytherin who has the last name Black and lives with the Malfoys." The other boy shrugged with a grin. He was always oddly talented at cheering Kai up when he was too inside his own head.

"Fair enough." Black replied, looking back out at the grounds.

Theo followed his friends gaze, "You think he is out there? That he is coming to Hogwarts? That he is coming for you or Potter?"

"I haven't the faintest idea, but I'm going to find out.." he sighed. He'd have to wait until later to disappear now that Challock had loudly accused him of working with his father.

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