Dogs Out The Bag

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Saturday morning came with a delivery of bad news.. Literally. His owl delivered him a howler from Lucius, and to say he was pissed about finding out Kai had two months worth of detention was the understatement of the century, apparently it reflected badly on him and the Malfoy name. Thankfully it was early enough on a Saturday morning that few students could sit whispering about it. He cleared away all the pieces of the letter before leaving for Lupins office.

"Here for detention, Uncle Re." he hummed, knocking on the door, but unlike with Snape, he entered before the Professor could grant him permission.

Remus was pulling on his jacket when the boy entered, pulling his sleeve up to check his watch. "Just on time too, I see." he smiled, "We are going out to collect some things for Professor Snape in the forest."

"For the Wolfsbane potion?" Kai asked, raising a brow.

Lupin chuckled, "He said you might ask that. Yes, for the Wolfsbane potion. Come now." he said, leading the way out into the crisp autumn air. The weekend brought a few clusters of students outside, enjoying the last few weeks left of mild weather.

Following his godfather into the depths of the Forbidden Forest, it wasn't the first time he'd been in there, it was the first time he'd been in there with permission though, he had grown quite fond of it during his second and third years, and if he was being honest he spent a lot of the week in it when he wasn't in class.. It was quiet and most students were too afraid to step foot into it.

"Isn't it weird that the Forbidden Forest is off limits until the teachers want us to serve detention in it? Just seems a bit fucked up if you ask me." he sighed as they carried on, Lupin turning his head to the boy with a smug smile.

"You scared, Black?"

"You wish, Lupin. I've got friends in the forest." he replied with a grin, snatching the list from his uncles hands playfully. "Merlin's beard, Snape is making us his little bitches with this list." he groaned, rolling his eyes, and gesturing for his Professor to follow him. He knew where to find some of the things on the list, the other pieces they'd have to take a gamble with.

"What do you mean you've got friends in here? When have you been here? It's Forbidden to students.. It's literally in its name." he quizzed, reluctantly following his godsons change in route. He was thankful the boy had a small desire for potions, because if he was doing this alone he'd be out until dark, the subject have never been his strongest.

"Except when serving detention." Kai repeated, sarcastically. "I mean, I've got friends in here. The centaurs for one. Then there is Aragog." he shrugged, looking down at the list once more before nodding and following a trial that went to the left.

"That doesn't answer my question, Kai." Remus said sternly. "Why do you have friends in the Forbidden Forest?"

"Don't worry, Moony, I don't come here when it's your time of the month." he snickered, leading them through thick weeds and thorns that kept tangling around his feet. "I come here to clear my head.. Stretch out my bones a little bit.. Have a run."

Lupin stopped dead in his tracks, "Kai Regulus Black, don't you dare be insinuating to what I believe you are. I did not give you that book for you to take such a huge risk." he had his parental voice on now, mixed with a little strict teacher tone.

"What is it you think I am insinuating, Uncle?" Kai hummed smugly, though he felt his heart drop into his stomach. Well, maybe he would die in the Forbidden Forest at the hands of a dark creature. Kinda ironic.

"You know exactly what I referring to?!" Remus was losing his patience with the boys games, though he had to admit he was impressed, and this is was exactly the way the boys father would be dancing around the subject.

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