'Family' Duties

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Christmas had come and gone quickly, much to Kai's delight. He was keen to get back to the castle to see Remus and Sirius, but first things first, he had to get through the infamous Malfoy New Year's party. To many it was a well anticipated event, but for Kai, he hated being paraded around, and this year would be worse with all the news on his father still making front pages every other week.

Getting dressed into his all black suit Lucius had picked out for him with a dark green tie, he glanced in the mirror and hated everything about it. He liked his hair messy, and his clothes casual, this wasn't him at all. Running a comb through his hair before slipping on the accessories he'd been told to wear; his slytherin ring, his Black Family crest ring, a watch that looked like it cost far too much.

Heading to the Manors entrance where Lucius was inspecting everyone's attire for the evening. Currently the man was fixing Dracos tie, before turning to Kai and looking him over.

"See how nice it is when you play your part?" The man asked, stepping closer to dust the boy shoulders of any lint. "Do behave tonight, won't you?"

The boys sharp blue eyes met his uncles, "Depends what you mean by 'behave'. I was going to see if people would sign my S.P.E.W protest forms. I've got a bag of badges upstairs too." he said simply, he wouldn't dare, but it was always nice to make Lucius' eyes twitch with anger.

"Don't push it. Transferring you is still on the tables." Lucius replied.

It was a threat thrown around so often that part of Kai wanted to test to see if was empty words, but the other part of him didn't want to find out. Instead of replying he simply looked away, clenching his jaw as he fought back his brewing anger.

"The minister may want a word with you at some point, I've told him he can use my office, and if anyone has questions about your father answer them honestly. He was never there when you grew up, and you want nothing to do with him." Lucius told him, moving to check Sept over.

"Well, which is it? Do you want me to be honest or tell the lies you just said, because I can't do both." Kai growled, balling his hands into fists.

Pausing mid step, the eldest Malfoy spun on his heels to return infront of the young Black. "Are you trying to test my patience?" He questioned, stepping forward, tightening the boys tie to the point where it was dangerously close to being too cutting off his airways. "What has your father ever done for you, child? You've not seen him in 12 years. He was a blood traitor and a disappointment to the Black family name. Something I will simply not allow you to become. Do you understand? Your mother was-"

"Lucius, enough. Our guests will be arriving shortly." Narcissa said sternly, as she came down the stairs in a stunning black dress, complimented by lots of silver jewellery.

"My mother what?" Kai growled, "Every time I ask about you all go silent, so what do you want to say about her?" The boy spat, eyes narrowing on his uncle.

Lucius took a deep breath as he collected himself, "Nothing. Be on your best behaviour tonight. Lie about your father if you have to. But do not push your luck, or it won't just be you leaving Hogwarts, but your father's friend too." The man sighed, realising the boys tie and smoothing it over before walking away.

Narcissa breathed a sigh of relief, looking at her nephew in pity before following her husband. Leaving the three boys stood in the entrance alone.

"Well done, Black, now fathers going to be in a foul mood all evening." Draco grumbled. Kai wasn't sure why he was in a mood, it was him that would have to face the consequences.

Sept slowly approached his cousin. "Kai-"

"I don't want to talk about it." The boy muttered, heading back up to his bedroom. His bedroom was at the top of the manor and led out onto the roof, somewhere Kai often hid away in the summer. He kept his suit on, knowing he'd have to eventually go down, but for the time being he watched as fancy cars pulled up, as people apparated to their grounds all of them dressed to impress. He simply watched in silence, his knees tucked to his chest.

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