Turn of Events

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Weeks followed quickly after he first met with his father. He'd finally finished having detentions and had his evenings to himself again, he was actually able to focus on his school work, quidditch and friends once again. Every other week he'd met up with Sirius in the Shrieking Shack, making sure no one had the chance to follow him. It was becoming a highlight of his month, he and Sirius would sit and talk for hours, just catching up with one another. Getting to know his father made the comments in the halls and classrooms a little more tolerable. He knew his dad was innocent and given the chance he'd help prove it to everyone.

He was sat in the library when Sept moved to sit opposite him. Not moving his eyes away from his Transfiguration homework, the younger boy spoke, "You want something.."

"Well, I don't. My father does. He wants me to convince you to come home for Christmas." He hummed, already knowing his cousins reaction.

Putting down his quill, Kai sat back against the chair, locking eyes with Sept. "Why?" he asked simply.

"He didn't say, he just asked me to convince you before he tells you that you are coming home. Meaning he will be assisting you onto the train if needs be." The blond shrugged, tucking into the boys jellybeans.

Watching Sept he remained silent, running a hand through his hair nervously. He knew Lucius would want to discuss the detentions, the fight and everything else. He just wasn't ready for that, nor was he ready for another argument about moving schools.

"I'll be there. So we can make it fun. I promise. Just don't make this harder than it needs to be, you know what he can get like." Sept tried to reason with him. "Plus, the New Year's Eve party will be going ahead and most of your friends will be there. So it won't all be bad."

The New Year's parties had been where he'd originally met Theo, Enzo and Rowan, but he hated them. It was a room full of Death Eaters and proud purebloods along with Ministers and Politicians. All of which would be asking him questions that he would rather not answer.

"Sept.." The boy moaned, closing his eyes and hanging his head as he tried to think of any way out of this. "Fine." He finally murmured, knowing the alternative would still have him going back to Malfoy Manor but he'd be grounded the entire time.

"Good choice." The older Malfoy hummed, looking over his cousin who now looked more unhappy than he'd seen him in weeks. "I promise, I'll make it fun. I'll even sneak you out to go record and book shopping."

"He's doing this because Remus is here, isn't he? He's punishing me for the fucking detentions and fight." Black sighed, it was the first Christmas he'd actually been looking forward to in a long time. He'd wanted to see Sirius and celebrate with him.

Sept looked away, knowing his cousin was right, it was moments like this that made him hate his father. Still, there was nothing the two teens could do about it, with any luck Draco would lap up most of the attention so they could just keep to themselves. "I'm sorry, Kai." he mumbled, looking back to his cousin.

"It's not your fault." The boy said sadly, packing up his homework, "I need some air."

"Want me to come with?" The older boy asked, but he already knew the answer. Unlike most of the people in their house, Kai didn't show his anger or hurt unless backed into a corner. It was one of the first things he'd noticed about his cousin, he came to realise that he did it because he had to, the second he showed again people were quick to compare him to his father.

"No, go give Lucius the good news." He said, slinging his bag over his shoulder, "I'll see you at dinner."

"Don't forget to pack tonight, early train tomorrow." Sept reminded him, "I'll let Snape know you've changed your mind too."

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