Yellow Summer

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Open your window, let the wind fill your soul
A string of memories from winter is today's history
From the drought circumstances and toils
Rewarded by great concepts and handled beautifully.

It furnished the cold memories with graces,
When petrels fly and seagulls squawk,
I ran outside and met new faces,
As the letters heighten the white ducks.

The stones of my life are now covered with moss,
Along the seashore and feel so lost.
But when the sun came up, it was a fresh new start,
And the crooked vines around my body break apart.

It turned yellow this summer,
Like my skin during winter.
Swings and ropes tied up together,
Words and emotions are confessed through letters.

Open your minds to the new ideas around you,
And listen to the point of wisdom of nature.
Speak what you yearned for and wear your shoes,
As you absorb the words and heal the punctures.

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