The Saltbox House

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It was a golden hour,
Seashells crawl on the sandy bottom.
I traced your name out of a four-leaf clover.
Just to save me from boredom.

I packed my books and sweater,
As well as the haunted memories.
To run is to make it better,
Like my delectable wild berries.

The saltbox house looks so serene.
As I touch its knobs and saw the foyer,
The creaking floors smell like chlorine,
I can feel the wind whispering to me to come closer.

Frames hang on the mossy wall,
Medieval books tumbled out on the shelves.
Torn pages and words gave me a call,
Behind the nightstand where I delved.

I stepped on the dirty floors of the bedroom
Until I reached the terrace.
The ambiance there is like weaving an old loom,
As I untangled my hair and dropped the lace.

The sandy beachfront is on the brink of extinction,
Enveloped by opaque mist and deceitful projections.
I lingered there on the balcony for hours,
Until the haze became perilous bars.

The saltbox house witnessed numerous crimes,
It was assumed to be an apocryphal.
Condemned by totems of a curse during dire times,
No one can comprehend its ambiance.

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