The Lighthouse

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Daybreak glares at my brown face,
It blinds the seashells outside.
I can hear the sound of the waves as they race,
Through the sandy bottom of the deepest tide.

The staircase appears to be damp,
Due to the moisture of the air.
I took a glance at the big old lamp,
With the wind playing in my hair.

If my heart was a lighthouse,
It will guide you through your barriers.
But the waves stole you,
Now I'm alone with our dear terrier.

Life seems to be unfair,
To a man studying the knowledge of despair.
The lighthouse we used to dwell in,
Stopped throwing golden beams.

I think it’s the end of my existence,
Since I lost my precious jewel.
I will search for some perspective,
And a new niche to dwell in.

It is not right to take your own life,
After numerous failures and mistakes.
We realized that we need to be sharpened like a knife,
To enhance ourselves with what we give and take.

The 18th Amendment (Revised Edition) (Anthology I)Where stories live. Discover now