Gawky Teenagers

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Striped shirts and loose trousers,
Books and comics that we bought from a babysitter.
Wearing glasses and quoted as losers,
In the silly nature where we disguised as critters.

I feel jaded throughout the day,
Depleted as I enter my foyer.
I keep reiterating the words that I wanted to say,
Feel the glitch in my brain as I say my prayer.

Tie strings into my hands and feet,
Crush my mental shape in the street.
Like gawky teenagers fell in their pit,
No one will ever raise their hand and drop a beat.

Think of me, I'm such a loner and clumsy,
I can't make an oration about my life.
Some grown delicate petite pansies,
Guarded by a lack of confidence and steely knives.

But don't ever forget the moment on the top,
Waving your banners and living for the thrill.
Confetti falls to the ground and throwing caps,
Grin for the trials you went through, that's a real feeling.

Unravel the ropes in your life,
We're not that gawky teenagers anymore.
Nor a kind of stodgy and rusty type of knife,
We exist in the world with significance forevermore.

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