My Dirty little secret

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Soap sat at this desk, feeling nothing but boredom, the radio perched on his desk was playing a load of bullshit. Soap gets up, pushing his flimsy chair back into the wall, he walks over to his door, opening it and closing it behind him, wandering down the barracks hallway.

"Aye 'ere goes nuthin' I suppose..." soap spoke softly as he let out a nervous sigh, he holds out his hand in a fist position, he presses his knuckles against the door, knocking. He takes a step back, waiting for the person to open the door. Soap glances down at his watch, the time was 11:07pm, it was a pure shit hour to be asking someone for a favour, but it was a desperate request... soap was soon pulled out of his thoughts by the door swinging open, a large figure blocked the entrance, the figure towered over soap like the leaning tower of Pisa.

"What do you want Johnny...?" The figures deep voice danced over soaps head, the figures voice made Johnny feel something no one has ever made him feel, soap stared at the figure for a moment before snapping out of a trance "aye Lt. Im sorry for waking yous up, but I need a small fava..." soap's voice was timid, his eyes darted up and down his lieutenant's body, before meeting his gaze, a soft vibration of his radio playing "my dirty little secret by the all American rejects"

The figure studied the Scottish man in front of him, staring at him for what felt like eternity before moving out of the way, letting the man enter his barracks, soap moved hesitantly into the taller man's room, as soon as he was in the room, the door slammed shut and the lock was aggressively closed, soap swallowed his heart as he turned around to face the man, Who had his arms crossed over his chest, staring into soaps long gone soul. Soap felt cold sweat drench him like he was in a shower.

(First person)

I felt my entire body shudder as the door slammed shut, the lock was about as locked as it could of ever been. I felt my heart in my throat, I knew there was no emergency exit in this room, Turning on my heels, I come to face the man. He looked like he wanted to punch me into the next decade. I felt my body hair stick up like a cats fur.

"I uhm-..."

"So what's this 'fava' Johnny? Because your starting to really fucking piss me off with these late night visits" the man grabbed my shirt, tossing my 6'0 ass about like I was a rag doll. His face was about 3 inches away from mine, I could smell his breath through that skull mask. A strong scent of Jack Daniel's filled my nostrils, the impenetrable stench of cigarettes followed through. I stared at him, i clutched onto his wrist, trying to break free from his grip.

"Let go and I'll tell yea what this fava is about" I tried my best to get his hands off of my shirt, he looked at me with more fury before dropping me, I swear I felt my joints flip to a different direction. I look back up at him, he watches me more intensely, I cleared my throat, rubbing my apple as I began to speak.

"It happened again...look I tried!-"

"Johnny we have been through this! I can't keep doing this! We can't keep doing this!" His voice rises as did his shortening patience. I looked at his hardwood floor, a sharp silence filled the room, I didn't want to look up but a rough hand clawed my jaw, pulling me to look up at him

"This is the last time Johnny, the last fucking time. You understand?" His tone was harsh and cold, but I'll never know why I liked it so much

"I understand..." I mumbled, gripping onto his hand that remained on my jaw, he soon let go, walking over to his bed and taking a seat on the edge, he stared at me, signalling me to come over... I did as he pleased.


I sat on the bed, staring right at the Scottish man in front of me, i signalled him to come over. He did. Once he stood in front of me, i slithered my arms around his waist, pulling him closer to me, I looked up at him, he looked down at me, there was something about him that drove me crazy, something inside of me kept telling me 'he was the one'. I refused to believe the words that was carved over and over again in my brain, I pulled his shirt up, hiding my face next to his chest. I tugged my mask off, throwing it to the side of my bed.

I felt his arms hold the back of my covered head, I pressed my lips against his bare chest, soft groans escaped him mouth, I pulled him back on to the bed, rolling on top of him, my head still tugged under his shirt, I kept kissing his chest,  my hands slowly moving down his shorts, his moans became more clearer, I pulled off his shorts, followed by his boxers, I kept my head under his shirt, still pressing my lips against his chest, i tugged my own boxers off. About as hard as bricks. His back was arched, I wrapped my arms around the small tunnel like bridge under his back, without a hesitation, I pushed my self into him, his moans filled my ears like music. In and out. Moan after moan, grunt after grunt. I kept slamming my full length into him, I could feel him leaking over my chest.

"Don't you dare..." my words was full of an aggressive lust, he whimpers and moans in response, he knew what I meant from the times before. Which shouldn't of ever happened... it's against the rules. But this pretty little thief couldn't keep his hands off the money.  I kept slamming into him, hitting his 'G' spot every time. Every moan, whimper, groan and grunt had me driving into him for more, what was wrong with me? Why am I pleasuring him? Questions ran into my head as I felt myself nearly come loose. He was leaking all over my chest, he knew he couldn't hold it in for long. I went faster and faster, feeling myself reach my limit, before letting out inside of him, he knew it felt good. I knew it felt good. But that wasn't all over. I kept my face hidden under his shirt, I ran my hand up my coated chest, feeling the liquid dribble down me, I tasted him. I sat up next to him, pulling his body on top of me.

"Be a good one..." my words made goosebumps appear on his back, he panted for his life, before slowly going down on me, his moans and groans filled my ears with pleasure, seeing him go up and down faster and faster with each passing seconds made my heart race with excitement, he began to leak on me again, his liquid coating my chest even more, I was filling him up inside, he was slut. I was a whore, we both was as bad as each other. He sat on it, his eyes rolled back and his chin pointing to the ceiling, filling him up inside, he looks back down at my head, a few strands of blond hair poking out from under his shirt, I began to tease him even more, i slowly licked his nipples, running my wet tongue over his sensitive pecks. He moans even louder, god I love him. I kept running my tongue over and over his nipples, as I was still inside of him. Soon enough he pulls me out, and lays back on the bed, my face was completely covered by the darkness in the room, I slid my hand around his thigh, slowly kissing his inner thighs, he tips his head backwards, whimpers escape his mouth as I left a group of hickeys on his thighs, I pulled away and stood up off of the bed, I walked past the window, the moon light made the dripping liquid glossy on my chest, I enter the bathroom, cleaning myself up, before bringing the towel out with me, and cleaning up Johnny.

"I'm sorry..." Johnny whispers as he looks at me, guilt fills my guts as I lay my naked body next to his, the only thing keeping him covered was that shirt. He shifted his body to lay on top of me, wrapping his weakened legs around my own. I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"As much as I love you, I can't" I said, hating myself after saying it

"I know... I love yous too" he spoke up, keeping his body and head still, not wanting to look up at me

"My dirty little secret" I kissed his head, a small smile formed on his face.

"Your dirty little secret Lt" he whispered, placing his into the crook of my neck.

 𝒢𝐻𝒪𝒮𝒯 & 𝒮𝒪𝒜𝒫 {𝒪𝓃𝑒𝒮𝒽𝑜𝓉𝓈}Where stories live. Discover now