The 1:27am bus

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(Soap's pov)

I stood at the bus stop, the freezing air wrapping my body as the darks clouds pulled over the sky, I look up at the bus times, next one at 1:27am.

"Aye...this is goin' to be a very long ride" I muttered to myself, holding my arms close to my chest, I see the bus drive towards me, I grab my pass, waiting for it to pull in. The doors swing open and I climb on board, scanning my pass and giving a smile to the bus driver. I look towards the seats, my smile slowly faded as the bus was rammed with people from bars and clubs, of course it was a Friday night... I let out a long sigh before deciding to just stand, holding onto the rails, the only space was next to a very large and tall man, he was wearing all black and his face was covered with a skull mask, he stared down at the floor, I glanced over at the seats, seeing swinging young teenagers shout and laugh in the rows, I looked down at my phone, 12%.

"Great...just what I facking need..." I pushed my phone back into my pocket, staring out of the window, the bus came to a halt, seeing drunks young lads and lass's leave the bus, one stops and looks at the man next to me

"You're my type!" She shouts at him, her drunk breath could be smelt from a mile of, the man looked down at her, staring at her body then at her face.

"And your not mine." The man says harshly, I felt a chuckle arise in my throat, a smirk formed on my face as I turned my head away, the drunk girl looks over at me.

"Who are you laughing at!" She shouts at me, i turn to look at her.

"Yous, that's who" I stared at her, my Scottish accent came out more broader then it usually does.

"Scottish guys are usually ginger!" She blurts out. I stared at her, wanting to punch her.

"And drank lass's like yous should be slaggin' off guys" I said, without hesitation. She stared at me before sending me the finger and stumbling off of the bus. She was getting on my nerves.

"I guess the truth hurt her" the man admitted as he turned to look down at me, his eyes burned through me, I stared up at him, my eyes burning through him.

"I reckon so" I chuckled before looking down at the floor, I glanced up to see he was still staring down at me.


I stared down at the Scottish man, he looked away from me. Alas. But he glanced up, seeing I was still staring at him. I felt my cheeks burn under my mask, I felt like my eyes had a mind of there own, I couldn't look away from him.

"So what stop are you getting off at?" I ask, wanting to get off with him.

"A fews more stowps" he said, his thick accent made my stomach flip. I knew I couldn't help myself but fall for him now, the bus came to stop again, more drunks getting on. I let out a grunt, I shuffled closer to the Scotsman. The drunks standing next to me, I was practically chest to chest with this man.

The bus rattled as it pulled off, some dude was pushed into my back, I turned around to see who it was, a group of guys looked up at me, they just stared at me

"Sorry big guy!" One shouted up at me, i rolled my eyes and turned back to the Scotsman, I looked down to see him gone. I looked around the bus, seeing him getting off, I picked up my bag and raced to leave the bus. I got off in time, I looked down the street, seeing him walking towards a large building, I decided to follow him,

He entered the building, saying hi to the receptionist. Once he was out of site I went into the building. I approached the receptionist

"How may I help you?" The receptionist said staring up at me.

"What was that guys name? And what number does he stay at?" I ask all in one breath, the women looks at me funny, I stared at her, waiting for a answer

"His names Johnny and he's in 154 block D" she said, looking at me suspiciously

"Thank you" I walked off, wandering the lower premises to find block D.

I looked up at the buildings, each labelled. A, B, C, and D, 'bingo' I thought, I ran into the building, flying up the stair case, I reached the long corridor, I passed door 150, door 151, door 152, door 153 and finally, 154. I stared at the door, listening carefully to the slow sound coming from his room, I hesitated for a moment, before knocking in the door. I let out a nervous sigh

"One second!" The Scottish voice coming from the opposite side, I heard something sniffing the bottom of the door, 'was he sniffing who was at the door?' I thought to myself, before the door latch was scraped off and the door opened, the man opened the door slightly, like he was stopping something from getting out.

"Oh hello again! How did yea find me?" He questioned before staring up at me, I felt a stutter roast in my throat, I scratched my apple before answering.

"I followed you" I sounded like a child who hit puberty too early and lost their parents in a supermarket, my voice hitched a deep note to a slight higher note.

" so yous a stalker" he smirked at before opening the door fully, he bent down behind the door, like he was holding something down

"Do come in" he said, them eyes still longing into me, I entered his apartment, I turned around, almost falling to my feet, a dog jumped up on me, almost pushing me over

"Riley dahhn!" He pulled the dog off of me, a German Shepard. Classic.

"Sorry she gets excited to see new faces" he rubs the dogs head, before it runs off around the apartment

"Cute" I mumbled, staring at him.

"Why's that?" He looks at me, I felt almost stupid to say this.

"My last names Riley" I etched out my words, he looked at me before the dog came running back to me

"That's cute!, you two will be best friends" I looked at him, my face was redder then smudged blood. I am surprised he couldn't see my red face through this mask. 'Did he just call me cute?!'

(Part 2?)

 𝒢𝐻𝒪𝒮𝒯 & 𝒮𝒪𝒜𝒫 {𝒪𝓃𝑒𝒮𝒽𝑜𝓉𝓈}Where stories live. Discover now