Mouth Closed, Tongues Tied Together

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(ghosts pov)

"I'm going to head home now price." I stand up from the bar, grabbed my phone and shoving it into the pocket next to my gun. I always carried a gun on me, you never know.

"alright ghost, ill see you at base tomorrow morning" price says before taking a puff on his cigar.

I gave him a 'mhm' in return before heading to the door of the bar and leaving. it was nearly Christmas time, so the air was getting frostier by the moment. I turned to where I parked my car, taking a steady walk to it. something caught my eye, a small man- well he wasn't small but I suppose I was rather tall. he looked smacked out of his mind, I tried to ignore him but something was telling me not to. I let an annoyed sigh out, I walked over to him.

"mate are you alright" I bent down to him, he was slouched against the bar wall outside, he looked up at me, something sparked when his blue eyes met my brown eyes.

"fINe" he said, he was obviously drunk and his words was slurred.

"are you heading home?" I asked him in a curious tone, his eyes held tension as we stared at each other.

"my mATes ARE cOMinG bACk fOR mE" he slurred at me, I looked down the road and then back up the road. there was only a few clubbers and pubbers. he's been stood up. I looked back at him. he was still staring at me.

"ill take you back to mine-" I felt my throat cut off after the sentence, what the fuck was I thinking? letting some random drunk guy stay at mine, maybe I needed a lie down. price always nagged me about how much overtime I did.

"BUt wHAT aBOut mY frEINdS?" he mumbles as his blue eyes drown my vision.

"they've left you here" I said, I slivered my large arm around his back, and my other large arm under his legs. he wrapped his arms around my neck, buried his drunken face into my neck. I walked with him to my car.

once we got into the car, I began to drive back to my apartment. the car ride was long and slow, usually I would be speeding at least 20 mph over the actual speed limit, but something told me I should just drive normally. what the actual fuck is wrong with me tonight? I readjusted my mask before glancing at then drunk bastard next to me, his gaze looked away from me when I looked at him, means he was staring a me.

"wHY dO YoUs wEAR a MAsK" he asked me, his face looked genuinely confused and little anxious.

"because I hide my identity with it" I glanced at him before looking back to the road, he kept staring at me, was there something wrong with my mask? why did he keep staring at me? was my mask torn near a scar? was my neck showing? shit what was wrong with me?!

"IS TheRE SOMeTHIng WRonG WitH HoW yOU LOOk?" he slurs looking at me, those blue eyes made me want to tell him the truth, something about him made me feel almost lost. like I don't know myself.

"yes. There is something wrong with my face..." I mumbled, I glanced at him, his face full of guilt. we pulled into the carpark. I got out a jogged around the car, helping him get out.

I picked him up and walked with him to the apartment, I open the lobby doors and walk inside.

"hello again lieutenant ghost" the receptionist joked, her smiled as warm and welcoming.

"hello Suzan" I nodded to her.

"who's that your carrying" she questions me. fuck! I didn't ask him name, ill just make something up.

"a friend of mine" I look down at him, his eyes was slowly closing but he kept trying to open them.

"alright then well don't be too loud, I don't want noise complaints from your room" she smirked at me, I felt my face heat up under the mask.

 𝒢𝐻𝒪𝒮𝒯 & 𝒮𝒪𝒜𝒫 {𝒪𝓃𝑒𝒮𝒽𝑜𝓉𝓈}Where stories live. Discover now