The night no one remembered

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- or wanted to.

"Is this some sort of strategy?" He asked, bewildered by the words that had just left her mouth.

"Unfortunately not, no strategy, no games. I'm done." She said.

"So that's it. You don't care about your job anymore?" Haechan asked with a scoff.

"Yeah...I honestly couldn't care less about it" She said with a simple shrug. She stood up slowly, making sure she didn't do anything to quickly, but that aim was defeated when Haechan grabbed her wrist and pulled her back down onto the couch making her hiss at the pain in her head that only grew.

"You can't be serious? How were you ever going to run a company if this is how fragile your mindset was?!" Haechan asked, a little disappointed by her.

"Why are you getting angry?" She asked with a chuckle

"Isn't this what you wanted-"

"It's not about what I want-"

Her laughter cut him off, she couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his mouth.

"Lee's always been about you. The job, the office, the building, even the fucking ebony wood table which i fucking hate... has been for you since the day you were born" she said and he clenched his teeth, the uncomfortable feeling now found within his stomach made his palms clammy.

"I've accepted it. It's a rich man's world. Why can't you just accept that you're the rich man?" She said, shaking her head a little at how she had to explain it to him.

"I...worked for it too" Haechan said, sounding a little defeated as she only continued to find everything he said amusing. As if he had lived under the rock called nepotism his whole life and didn't know about it. Haechan was always met with the bias that he had everything go his way in life, and while some times it was deemed to be true, his father was a very strict man when it came to nepotism within the business. He made sure that Haechan did everything from the first day he was put in school to only get the finest grades.

"You don't know everything" Haechan muttered under his breath but Jia was quick enough to catch it. The two pairs of eyes met briefly for a second, trying to read the other's but it wasn't any use. Both were completely closed off towards each other.

"You're right, i don't know everything. It just seems unfair that's all" she said, and he couldn't help but to sympathise with her a little bit, but to blame it all on him saying he didn't work for anything ever in his whole life, haechan didn't know if it hurt more that she was partially right, or if he let it be that way. He got too comfortable, and now that she was pointing out all his faults he felt insecure.

"Hey uh...i gotta go-"

"Yeah... yeah. Sorry I didn't mean to hold you up" she said, not paying too much attention to him, deep in her own thoughts.

"I'll see you on Monday" Haechan said, giving her a little nod before walking out of her office.

"Hey, you ready to go?" Yuki said with a bright smile as she waited for him at the end of the long hallway. Haechan smiled in response and nodded his head, stepping into the elevator with her. The elevator was filled with mostly silence, which Yuki felt a little awkward with but Haechan's mind couldn't help but ignore the present and focus on the past.

Here he was, in an elevator with a girl from the office who practically came onto him from the first day, knowing fully well that his family owned the corporation. This itself, was a prime example of how he never worked for anything in his life. It made him uncomfortable.

"You coming?" Yuki said with a chuckle as she saw Haechan stay inside the elevator as they reached the ground floor.

"Ye- oh shit...I forgot my phone upstairs" Haechan said, making up an excuse knowing fully well his phone was in his jacket pocket.

"Oh...okay I'll just wait-"

"It's...pretty late. And honestly I'm really tired. I think you should just go home, don't wait up. I'll see you next week" he said, pressing the button to the floor he was last on.

"Oh. Okay. Goodnight" Yuki said, with a small smile trying to hide the disappointment

"Bye Yuki" Haechan said, with something less than a smile as the elevator doors closed.

He was met with his reflection on the metallic silver doors as he was brought up seven levels. His eyes pierced at his reflection, not missing the glint of determination that laid in his brown orbs.

As the elevator dinged at the seventh floor, he walked out into the hallway, strong strides from his feet as he approached the door with the name he'd slowly grown fond of plastered on.

Without a knock he opened the door, slipping himself inside to see her silhouette wearing the same dress but hair down and makeup off, he liked her more this way.

As the door behind him clicked shut, Jia turned around in surprise to see Haechan standing there.

"What are you doing here?" She said softly, moving a strand of hair out of her face, eyes widening as she saw him walk towards her, filling up the space that was between them two, just as close as how the two were at the night in the club, if not even closer.

"What are you doing?" She asked again, surprised at the way he wrapped one hand onto her waist and another onto the side of her face.

"Working for it" he said, inching his lips closer to hers but she only scoffed at the statement.

"You're working for the job by sleeping with me?" She asked and Haechan sighed, the breath falling againdt her own lips making the hair on the back of her neck stand up.

His eyes looked into hers again, gleaming with a sinister-like determination.

"Who said that's what I was working for?"

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