Head back to mine

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"Oh Jia, these are my friends. This is Johnny and Jungwoo, we went to uni together and this is Doyoung, we don't really like him but his parents pay us to be friends with him" Haechan said, introducing his friends to Jia, one of them nearly hitting Haechan in the process

"Oh, Xiao Jia...yi?" Doyoung said, with a surprised expression as he met the girl ge hadn't seen in years

"Oh...Kim Doyoung?" She asked with the same amount of surprise

"You guys know each other?" Haechan asked in confusion and Doyoung smiled

"Yeah! We were in the same year and she dated one of my best-"

"Okay! It's really nice seeing you! Hwayoung and my friends from college are here tonight as well, you should go say hi" she said, pointing towards the group that weren't too far away from them and Doyoung nodded, giving Jia a small hug before excusing himself

"So how do you two know each other?" Johnny asked, sparking up a conversation

"Oh, I'm his-"

"Colleague. We uh...work together" He said quickly, begging her with his eyes to follow along and she rolled her eyes

"Yeah we work together in the uh..."

"Sales! The sales department" Haechan said, knowing he wouldn't hear the end of it from his friends if he was ever found to have slept with his boss

"Aww cute, what a coincidence" Jungwoo said and Jia narrowed her eyes at Haechan

"Yeah right. Didn't expect to see you here" she muttered

"Anyway, we should get going, we have work tomorrow. Come on let's go say bye to your friends" Haechan said, bidding his friends goodbye before pulling Jia along with him

"What are you doing?" She asked, looking at his hand interlocking with hers as he brought her through the crowd

"Oh hey you guys" Hwayoung said, waving at them

"Hey, we just wanted to say goodbye before we headed off" Haechan said, not letting go of Jia's hand and Hwayoung smirked

"Like...you're leaving together?" She asked, the question now getting attention from the rest of Jia's friends who cooed at the two. Jia's eyes fell onto Jongsuk who looked somewhat taken back almost and she scoffed

"Yeah, I'm going to stay at his tonight so we can go to work together in the morning" she said, confidently, not hiding their interlocked hands anymore

"Have fun~" Hwa teased as she let the two leave the club together. Being a good friend and making sure that it was known to Jongsuk that he had missed his chance.

"I don't think I've ever seen Jia with a guy since-"

"Right! I'm so happy for her though"

"Yeah they look really cute together"

The rumours died down eventually as the night went on, but the two didn't care to even think about what would be said about them. Haechan was happy she was coming along with him, and she was feeling victorious after seeing Jongsuk look like he had lost the lottery.

"I'll call us a cab" Haechan suggested

"Okay- wait what? No I'm going to my house, I need clothes for work tomorrow" She said and he shrugged

"Okay let's go to your house" He said

"No! I live with my parents, it's not happening" She said

"Well, sneaking around only adds to the fun" Haechan said with a smirk

"No Haechan seriously" She said and he shook his head

"Fine, mine it is" he said, taking out his phone and booking a cab to his apartment even though she had denied him a million times. It took a bit of convincing but with the pain of her heels and the coldness of the night setting in, she was quick to oblige when she saw the uber pull up.

The car ride had been mostly silent, the only conversation being that of Haechan answering the driver whenever he asked questions in regards to the directions.

"Aren't you tired of always wearing heels?" He asked, watching her rid them off her feet as they both entered his flat, turning on the dimmed yellow tone lights. He wasn't met with an answer, just more of a sigh and he was now confused with the sudden attitude shift.

"Hey, what's going on?" He asked grabbing her arm lightly, spinning her back around to face him and he was met with a stern expression.

"Let's talk" she said, removing herself from his grip before walking over to the couch, where they previously cuddled next to each other on the night before.

"What's up?" Haechan asked, taking a seat beside her, turning to face her and she hesitated to say what she was meaning to say but she knew she couldn't hold back any longer.

"Haechan I...We can't do this anymore." She said, strictly. He rolled his eyes slightly at her sentence and she scoffed, getting angrier with his attitude before standing up to her feet in front of him

"Don't roll your eyes at me...I'm being serious right now" She said and he looked up at her, still keeping his posture relaxed with his back against the couch as his legs spread out.

"So you're telling me you aren't enjoying this?" He asked, cocking up and eyebrow and she sighed

"Thats not what I said. I'm saying we can't continue this any further. I'm your boss and you're my intern-"

"So what? There's no ban in the company for this-"

"No Haechan there is! I'm in a position of power and you're not, both of us, especially me could get into serious trouble if anyone was to find out...unless that's what you wanted all alo-"

"Are you insane? You think I'm doing this to sabotage your career!" Haechan defended himself

"Then why are we messing around together? Why do you keep showing up in my private life? Why do you keep initiating it?" She asked, arms crossed over her chest as she looked down at him with a glare and he nervously scratched the nape of his neck, looking all around the room before setting his eyes back at hers.

"Because...I'm attracted to you okay?"

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