apology accepted

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"Morning sunshine" a melodic voice said softly as Jia rubbed her eyes, awakening to the bright sunlight coming into the room.

"Its so bright" she complained and he chuckled. He was finding the night shifts easier given that he was a night-owl but clearly Jia was finding it hard to adjust to.

"Just two more nights and we're done, hang in there" Haechan said, prying her hands away from her face. She looked to her side, seeing him lying beside her on what was now silently established as 'his side of the bed'.

"Am I forgiven?" He asked, pouting a little and she scrunched up her brows in confusion only to laugh about it a few seconds after.

"The sex was so good, I completely forgot about that" she said, complimenting him, making heat rush to his cheeks

"You should add that to my internship performance review" he joked, making her laugh, still hiding his blush under his forearms that covered his face.

A silence fell upon them for a mere few seconds, a comfortable one at that, but the sudden awkward shuffling could be heard for Jia's side of the bed.

"Uh haechan..." She said nervously, garnering the attention of the younger boy who turned his head to be faced with a frantic expression

"Is something wrong?" He asked, sitting up slowly with a confused expression

"Could you get me my bag?" she asked, sensing the familiar intuitive feeling of her oncoming period as her cramps set in.

"Yeah...sure" Haechan said, a little confused yet he put on his sweatpants that were previously on the floor and  walked out of the bedroom.

Upon his exit, she sprung out of the covers, grabbing his white shirt and her underwear off the floor and quickly dashed into his en suite bathroom knowing it was a fight against time and gravity now.

"Perfect timing" she hissed as she felt the familiar cramps set in as she sat down on the toilet to relieve herself, feeling her blood drip out as well. Her face scrunched up with uncomfortableness, gripping her abdomen tightly at the feeling of her muscles getting tighter

"Jia?" Haechan asked, knocking on the door, for once.

"Just leave it outside, I'll get it in a bit" she said, trying to hide the pain in her voice but clearly doing a horrible job at it

"D-did I hurt you?" He asked nervously and she chuckled to herself

"No, I'll be out in a sec" she responded and Haechan hummed in response, leaving the bag down at the door before walking towards his bed, taking off the covers on his duvet to wash them after not having laid a towel down last night. His eyes caught the small red puddle on her unofficial side of the bed, alarm bells ringing in his head.

"Jia are you sure you're okay? Are you sure I didn't hurt you?" He asked, a little more panicky this time, fighting the urge to open the bathroom door

"Yes- Haechan its just my period don't worry" she said and he sighed in relief

"Oh that's good—well not good but- I'll go make lunch" he said, cutting his rambling short

He grabbed the old covers off his bed, rolling it up into a huge snowball before walking out to his kitchen to shove them in the washing machine before getting started on cooking.

Jia took her time, brushing her teeth and washing her face after she opted for a tampon, knowing her lame excuse for underwear wasn't going to handle a trusty pad. She tied her hair into a bun, Haechan's shirt wrapped around her body, loosely covering her and leaving her legs exposed.

She cleaned up around the bathroom before heading down the hallway and into the kitchen where Haechan was rustling around with pans, trying to think of something to cook.

She snuck up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist making his jump slightly at the contact.

"Hey" she said with a smile and he returned one, instantly turning around to face her

"Does it hurt? Do you need me to do anything?" He asked, bombarding her with questions of her wellbeing. She chuckled at his worrisome nature, not having this boyfriend-like care and experience for ages, mentally giving out to herself for even comparing her last relationship to her arrangement with Haechan, they weren't even close to becoming a couple.

"I'm okay...whatcha cooking?" She said, trying to get her energy up and he scratched the back of his head

"Well... we could order in?" He suggested and she rolled her eyes, opening up his fridge to see what ingredients he had.

"I'll make fried rice, just mince the garlic and marinate the chicken" she said, giving him a job to do

"Don't you want to go take rest?" Haechan asked, feeling guilty that he was making her work in the kitchen knowing she might be in pain

"No, I want food" she said, turning on the stove and busying herself with her own tasks


"Chop chop kiddo, we don't have all day" she said, dismissing him and he rolled his eyes, grabbing the chicken from the counter before doing what she had asked, eyes scanning her every now and then to make sure she wasn't showing any signs of pain.

"You're so pretty" he mumbled his thoughts out loud, making her ears perk up at the compliment, turning to face him. He widened his eyes realising it was a lot louder than he had intended it to be and he quickly turned his head away. She chuckled at the fact that Lee Haechan of all people, was flustered in this very moment.

"Am I your type?" She asked playfully sending him a wink and he smiled, replying with a small nod, not finding it in him to look up at her.

He continued to cut away at the chicken breast, replaying what she had said to him. As he finished up his tasks he washed his hands and wrapped his arms around her body, hugging her from behind as his hands massaged her lower abdomen softly as she continued to cook for the both of them.

He pressed a soft kiss onto her temple, feeling her cheeks emit heat as they turned into a rosy shade.

"You know, I didn't have a type until I met you" he whispered, making her part her lips at the statement before he left to set the table. He was a natural flirt yet every compliment and sentence had a great effect on her.

She felt her stomach do backflips as she replayed his last statement in her head, almost burning the rice as she let herself get distracted with thoughts of him.

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