under the sakura blossoms

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AN: hai!!! this is mah first fanfic so plz dont flame lol!! I kno its gunna be bad XD but dont worry I promise to deliver lots of yaoi goodnes!!! THIS IS BOYXBOY!!! DON LIKE DONT READ!! >_< also sasuke-san is a TODAL tsundere I cant wait 2 rite him 

sasuke pov:

it was a beaituful Sunday mroning in the hidden green village behind the beeifult valley in earth. Sasuke has just woken up. He stretched and put on his clothes and got up and went to the bathrom. He looks in te mirror and put his hand against it.

"Ugh.... anuther horribl day... why cunt i stop tinking about him!!! "

he almost punch the mirror o hard it break but he restraint him. rRage filled his crimson orbs as he clenches his head in anger.

"IM NOT GAY! (AN: denial xD)" screaming and rubbing hes eyes. He gets out of bed and walks over to the kitchen. He makes him self braekfast.

"Ramen (AN: traditional Japanese breakfast) always hit the spot!" laughing and slurping his noodles.

"Time 4 some pocky!" he ate his pockey and mochi and decide to go to school. Sasuke-san hated school the only reason he went was becuz naruto-chan went but he didnt realize



It was anuther boring day at school for naruto-kun. Be had never been the type to have a lot of friend but sasuke was his friend because they were friends since childhood. Under the cherry sakura blossoms, he saw his Uchikudaku (AN: japanese for crush~!!)sasuke-kun!! (Authors Note: KYAAA X3)

"SASUKE SENPAI WAIT UP!" waving his hands and runing ov er to tsauke-chan.

Saskuake fglushed bad red blush. He face went hot. What wuz this feeling??

"U-um... what do u want naruto-sama?!" he shot at naruto

"i ..i ... j-j-just wanted to walk to clas with you... if t-t-thats oka-a-ay?" naruto satmmered and blushed.

Sasuke couldnt take it he was just too kawaii!!!

"shut up, baka!!" he huffing and stromed away,

Naruto run after him giggling and following him. They go to class together and they sit next 2 each other even if they dont try to sit next to each other. Naruto-chan even catches saksuke-sama sSTARING at him during class.....(Authors Note: ugh i jus love my smol gay beanz LOLZZ)

After school, naruto run up to saauske under the cherry sakura tree. it

"Sasuke-chan.. I–i-i... have something to tell you..." (Authors Note: NANI??? DRAMA???)

Sasuke-kun stopped in his tracks. Turning and looking at naruto. he looked into narutos big bright boyish orbs....

"what is it baka?!!?" he shouted in a tsundere voice

"i-i.......i..." he tried to spit it out but he was too scared. 

"SASUKE-KUUUNNNN!!!!!!!" a shril voice screamed from the other road!!!!

Turning and seeing,


Authors Note: tankz 4 reading muh first chapter!! IM SO EXCITEDDDD!!!

Naruto-chan: Mary chan, what are u talking about??

meh: *nosebleeds* nothinng!!!!!! 

I will try 2 update when I can lolz!! I have school 2morrow so im a little busy + my mom saiz if I dont go 2 church again shell take away mah computer which means no more yaoi....

plz like and review  

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