the kidnapping

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AN: hi guys!!! I told u id be updating more often xD school doesnt matter anymore LOL friends notifications are just distractions amirite :P ughhhh it's soooo annoying. I keep telling them 2 leave me alone cuz im focusing on God and this fic rn but they just dont get it. I know this is a sign to leave them behind. just wish they could accept His word and we could still b friends cause I really like them :/ 

mom still didnt come home 2nite. had 2 go to church alone, but its ok!!! Mary wrote back!! SEEE I actually threw up cuz I got so excited XD it's really the Blessed Virgin Mary!!!!!!!!! SHE chose me SHE wants me 2 bring forth her message KYAAAAAAA!!!!! anyway, onto da steamy yaoi 

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Naurtos pov:

Naruto groggily woke up to the sound of a bright light. 

"huh?" he grumbled, and slowly blinked his eyes, his blue orbs darted back and forth. the room was dark and scary, with cold corners and a frightening blackness coating the room. shivers ran down Naruto's spine. 

a scary shadow stepped into his view. Naruto screamed and nearly leaped out of his chair, but he was also tied down by ropes. wait. WHAT?!

Sakura appears under the harsh light of the lamp...

"haha..... AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! you fool, naurto-chan? or should I say Naruto-DEAD!! cause im gonna kill you" she shrieked and slapped Naruto across the face. 

Naruto's heart was beaten out of his chest. he sobbed. 

(where was sasuke? why was sakura doing this?!?! he didnt understand. maybe it was because she was homophobic...

"sakura, why do you do this? please! let me go!" he pleaded and asked nervously 

she had an evil expression smacked on her face, she was holding a knife! the room went *dead* silent. (AN: shes a sinner) 

"if youre out of the picture... and dead... sasuke will have nobody but me. and we'll finally be together forever!!!!"" she giggles annoyingly and swings the knife at Naruto's face. 

"im yandere for sasuke!!! your stupid little love will NEVER defeat mine!" sakura-chan grins wide and spins Naruto around 

Naruto sobs pathetically and tugs against his restraints as the crazy girl gets closer and closer. but before she can kill him.... THE DOOR BURSTS OPEN WITH A LOUD THUD! when he sees who he is in the door, Naruto smirks a smug smile. 

"dattebayo..... youre not the only one whose is yandere."

sakura almost smiled but she turned around to see... Sasuke. his eyes were burning bright red with hate and love and he was clenching his fists up and down. he was huffing and breathing heavily, and the door was knocked off his hinges he Stormed towards her. 

"sasuke-chan!!!!" she squealed but she was cut off with a hard punch to the gut

sasuke kicked her to the ground and fought with her for the grip of the knife. she loved him so so much she didnt fight back . (AN: good xP) sasuke-sama managed to grab the knife but isnt of stabbing her he kept kicking her in the side over and over until her ribs made a big cracking sound. the bruises were all over her and she looked really dumb. he held the knife over her head and he growled as he slammed it down into her again and another time again until she stopped moving and breathing. Naruto sat and watched and patiently waiting for it 2 be done so they could go home and he could get untied from the chair 

AN: sorry for making dis part kinda short :P wanted 2 get back to the steamy yaoi 

sasuke-chan used the dirty knife 2 cut away the ropes that Naruto had on. 

he leapt up into sasuke and they hugged and kissed happily. 

"s-s-sasuke chan... thanks for saving me.... I was.. really scared." he tapped his feet and squeezes his hand tightly, blushing. 

sasukes face, always so sad and cold and angry, finally broke out into a yandere smile. 

"its nothing, Naruto-chan.... you make my kokorro go crazy." sasuke leaned down and kissed Naruto on the mouth ?!

"now... lets live a happy life together!" Naruto chan exclaimed and tried to kiss sasuke back but he tripped over sakura. sasuke caught him with his strong arms. 

they laughed and naurto blushes and squeals. "KYA!! p-put me down, sasuke!" 

to be continued.....

AN: im too tired but i'll write again soon!! I heard a little voice next to me when I was trying 2 sleep last night and I cant remember what it was telling me. ill try 2 listen this time. I also started putting up paintings of the Blessed Virgin Mary around the house from the thrift store! its 2 hour walk but every step is worth it for her!!

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