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AN: im still really pissed off but still gonna write. I have 2 its the only way 2 get the message out there I know I have a duty and a holy goal so I keep writing im sorry if Im not uploading enough ill do better :/

im just so so happy. I am the Virgin Mary well not really im more like a reincarnation . I realized this yesterday when I was praying and I cant stop thinking about it. we have the same hair eyes skin both believe in God and his love and im his handmaiden im the second body of the Virgin Mary come to save the world from sin again and to spread His message 

Sasuke and Naruto quielty creept along the path towards the church. the forest was dark and cold, and the wind chills were very strong. sasuke clung tightly to Naruto and shieldled him from the cold with his body. 

the church doors were tall and made out of sturdy wood. sasuke slammed into them as hard as he could so they could both burst inside. Naruto was a little worried about the plan, but sasuke didnt give him any time to think before they both stumbled inside the church. 

AN: sorry I was super super busy with a lot of praying because its the Lords day its Sunday I cannot waste any second of my time with things like that 

it was very quiet and everything had a little bit of dust on it. sasuke and Naruto marveled in the beauty of the big church, and how large everything was. the pews were polished and there were even lots of candles speckled around. everything was pretty, and Naruto and sasuke were happy here. like they were meant to be here. they were meat. meat that had to be cured there were angels and they were singing. angels that were human formed and had big white wings and halos over there head they weren't powerful angels but they were still the prettiest angels sasuke and Naruto had ever seen. Mary was standing at the altar and she was praying to God and she knew He was listening. she only turned to sasuke and Naruto when sasuke clears his throat and looked up at her. 

"oh you came" she smiled and nodded to herself to make sure she was done with prayer 

"yes we did. w-what did you want to show us? the true power of God?" Naruto smiles 

"yes, child. im here to baptize you. little lambs" (AN: I love her XP) she slowly stepped towards the pews and walks over to Naruto-chan and sasuke-chan

"follow me." she commands and Naruto and sasuke jump with fear!

"lets follow her, sasuke" Naruto squeezed his hand and they followed Mary into another room of the church. it was a smaller room and there was a large crystal pool that went very deep in the middle . Mary stepped in and beckons them to also step into the pool which they do. the water was very warm and Naruto shivers a little but he shakes it off because he knows he has 2 be brave. 

""we're going to baptize you." Mary smiled and opened her arms wide and was bearing her FULL heart. 

sashes and naurtos eyes sparkled and they both got very excited. they were going 2 be real Christians!! "have faith in the Lord and Jesus Christ. do not struggle." Mary took Naruto's hands in her own hands and pulled him towards her. 

"repeat after me, Naruto . its time to confess." Naruto had never been so happy in his life!

"I believe in one God the Father almighty maker of heavn and earth and of all things visible and invisible." Mary said with her beautiful and wonderful voice. 

"I beleve in one God the Father almighty maker of heavn and earth and of all things visible and invisible." Naruto-chan federated back and Sasuke's eyes started to water as he watched his boyfriend say the words of the Lord 

"I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ Light from Ligh true God from true God begotten (I tink) not made consubstatntial with the Father through him all things are made"

"I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ Light from Ligh true God from true God begotten (I tink) not made consubstatntial with the Father through him all things are made" Naruto felt the prescenee of the Lord within him and he felt as like a heavy weight was lift off of his chest

"I believe in one holy catholic and aposotolic Church" Marys eyes which were clear and blue and full of the prettiest sunlight looked down at sasuke and Naruto as thhe prayed.

"I believe in one holy catholic and aposotolic Church"

"I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins  and I also look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come Amen!!"

"I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I also look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come Amen!!" Naruto finally finished the confession.

"do you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior?" Mary asked quietyl. 

Naruto nodded while crying happy tears. "yes!! I do!!" 

"good. Naruto-chan I now baptize you in the name of the Father the Sonand the Holy Spirit for the forgiveness of your sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit..." she whispered and dunked Naruto into the holy water with her hand over his nose so he wouldnt drown and die. Naruto felt the water surround him and he was like he was drowning but in a better way. he saw sasukes blurry face emerg and stare at him before he leapt out of the water like a beautiful frog. sasuke hugged Naruto tightly and they all  smiled and laughed together as he was very wet. Mary smiled and patted his back before repeating the whole process with sasuke but I wont write that (AN: so u guys dont get bored cause its prety long but its just the same but with sasuke :P) 

Mary smiles down on them as they get into their dry clothes but don't wash their hair. because it has holy water. "you have done well. you are now devoted to God and the church and also accept Jesus as savoir . you are saved, little lambs"

sasuke and Naruto cheered and sat down in the pews, feeling very happy and cleansed. it was like their terrible old life full of sin was over and they were now a beayitfuyl bunch of butterflies emerging from the wrapping. 

"Lets pray together sasuke-san" naruto chan says while sitting in his chair

"I hope god forgives us for our sins" sasuke chan looks sad and looks down at his hands and feet because they killed sakura with them when he beat her up to death. 

"He will sasuke, for he is all forgiving! dont you remember what Mary said?" Naruto looks kind of disappointed in sasuke for saying that. 

"ok. lets pray." sasuke and Naruto clasped their hands together and started to whisper wonderful words of holy magic into the sky to God. 

they realized that God forgave them for everything they did. He was going to give them new names and a new life! they never longer would have to be burdened by anything ever. God forgave them for killing that girl sakura because she was evil and He forgave them for having [premarital yaoi  even though it's a sin. doesnt that show how life is meaningless without God and Jesus and their love? I dont understand people who dont believe in them how sad and pathetic are you I dont understand and neither did sasuke and Naruto after their covnersion 

AN: hope you guys like the long chapter xD I wish it was longer but I think my I dont know a lot of things are happening and im always praying and I cant stop praying because it makes me so happy and the Virgin Mary wall is always watching me so I always have to be careful and holy for her I started writing to the drawing I made again!! shes going to respond this time I know it 

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