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AN: hai guys!!! srry ive been a little busy xD my mom (booo) has been making me go 2 church more but is ok cuz I have da weekends 2 write!!!1!! (not sundays, obvz) and. is it just me or R crosses looking kind of funny recently?? idek if its just me LUL 

Sakura schreeched into the in-between of sakuse and Naruto-chan. 

"konnichiwa sasuke-sama!!!!!! or should i say... my BOYFREIDN?!" 

everybudy at school new Sakura-kun was absolutely smiten with sasuke.... she Neve r shut the h**ll up!!!!!1! (Authos note: UGHGGH!!! I HATE HERRRR SHES GETING IJ THE WAY OF MY SHIP!!11 mayeb I should make sasukeh yandere and KILl her) 

"uggh... we're are NOT dateing, sakura-chan. or shuld I say sakura-LOSER!?!" sasuke shouted, very mda. 

sakurs giggled and gave a crazy face. her face went red as a crimson moon 

I finally put on a rave face and stepped up bravely.

"l-l-leave him.. aloe.. sakur!!-kun" I shoted, clenching my firsts 

sasuke-chan and the sdchool and then the rest of the students all looked at me. I gulped loud and freaked oue

I had neer see so many eyes on me. I start to get nervous... but sasuke reached over and  hold my handed?? EEEP!!! 

"Naruto-kun is rigt. buzz off jer k" Sasuke smirked smugly 

naurot eyes widened and he blushed, tremble in sasukes big strong hands. (Authors not: EEEEEEEE *nosebleeds* X3)

"UGGH!!!" sakusar-kun huffed and started to strom away/" 

"YOU STUPID UGLY BITCH PIG C**NT!!!! I HATE YOU ****!" she screamed and Naruto gasped. he starts to cry and cry and sasuke huf in angry. 

sakura stuc out her tonuge and ran away int o the road, running away. after a deep brea th., sasuke-chan looks into Naruto Chans beatufl... green.. sparkling eyes. he blush but hide, it, scared. 

"are u ok..." he stuttered and looks away.

Naruto chan laughed and said "arigato!! *(Japanese for sorry) j-just.. she is so stupid. who does she think she she is?"

"I don know... dont give a sh*t,...." sasuke chan laugh ed and smile, which he never does. 

Naruto kun cant help but blushing....

AN: TANKS FOR READING!! srry this chapter took ssoooooo long >:( I was realy busy with some stuf xD but I promise to dlierv more yummy yaoi goodnes!!!!!! and the t stupid b*tch sakura realy makes me mad!!!!! im gunna pray 4 her to die xP 

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