trouble with Naruto!!

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AN: hai guys !! XD im literally so happy cuz people are reading my story!!!! ive bean (heheh) talking 2 my pastor about writing and reading the Bible extra hard for Inspo (O . O)ive felt so much more pure and holy l8tly and I feel like I can do anything because I know God will always forgive me and be in my heart 4ever. it feels like my brain is peeling out of my head all of da time because of how much im thinking.  

Naruto awoken next to Sasuke in his bed. a nervous sad face came over his eyes. what if this was all some big mistake? (AN: OMG!!) he looks over to Sasuke and realizes something strange. Sasuke looks sad. 

"sasuke, you look sad.." Naruto whispers nervously. 

sasuke-chan looks away and looks down at the ceiling. his heart was still beating like a loud ambulance siren like his cheeks were red too. 

"no im not. idiot" but Naruto knew a liar when he saw one 

"you're lying, sasuke!! and lying is a sin!!" he grabbed sasuke by the shoulders and shook him loudly. (AN: drama LOLL like an old married couple! (gross XP))

sasuke roughly and angrily pushed Naruto away. Naruto started to feel tears dripping from his face. 

"leave me alone!!! CANT YOU UNDERSTAND!! SOME THINGS ARENT SO EASY!!!" sasuke leapt to his feet and dashed out of the room. his fists were angry and his eyes burned with red hot.. passion?

left alone in the bed. Naruto sat up and suddenly heard a disturbing and frightened creaking noise coming from the shadows. tap.... tap.. Tapp.... the sound of shoes and an UGLY face. (AN: while im writing this my mom hasn't been back home yet . dont know where she is lol)

Naruto gasped and squeezed his blanks with a nervous nip as pink hair entered his view. he screamed and before he could get the sound out... Sakura!! she was dirty and had ripped clothes and there was some of her skull showing and she was holding a kitchen knife!! she grabbed Naruto (AN: GASSSSSPP 444) and covered his mouth with a Clorox cloth!! 

she hit Naruto on the head with a frying pan and he fell asleep passed out, to the sound of her cackling laughter. 

"now you and sasuke will never be together!! sasuke is mine!!" (AN: GRRR SHE IS LITERALLYY getting in da way of my smexy yaoi >:( )

Sasukes pov:

sasuke huffed angrily and finally came out of the bathroom after a short while. but when he looked around. Naruto was gone. WHAT?! sasuke ran about and checked the floors and under the floorboards and around the bed, but he was nowhere 2 be seen! sasuke screamed to his feet and shouted for answers. "WHY!!! WHY!!!" 

to be continued....

AN: *drama!!* hope u guys enjoy. ill try 2 write longer chapters but my head hurts recently. my drawing of Mary hasn't written back 2 me yet either :(

something weird happened 2day (not the good kind of weird u pervs Xd) my mom took me to church and during mass the pastor said my name over and over like "mary mary holy mary" but when i listened closer he was just saying his normal preachings

I know something happened that day and it was something good :P

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