new names

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AN: feeling sick today but still trying to write I dont do much anymore because I have to be in service to the Lord but ive realized that this story is a vessel I have eyes on me I need to spread the word this isnt sasuke and Naruto anymore theyre going to be reborn and its gonna be amazing

today I read moms journal cause I know i had to and apparently my mom thinks im gonna go to hell. I know shes lying so she can try to tempt me with sin. thats why she hasnt come back because she knows im the reincarnation and she is trying to guide me to this realization and im happy because when she comes back she wont have to worry because I have realized I am sentient and im Mary I am the reincarnation 

Mary stood before them with her hands still on their heads and she smiled and finally let go of them

"you now have new names. you are the new spirits of those already existing in the Bible and you will cary on their legacy as a burden" they felt a holy light glow in them and then the light spelled words out in front of them. 

Shem and Noah. these are their new names that God gave them. sasuke turned into Shem and felt his skin feel weird and kinda tight and Naruto turned into Noah, the wiser one they were now different people and their sinful yaoi love dissipated as theyre now dad and son.

shem and Noah looked into a mirror and were really surprised by their new faces and bodies. Naruto was now an older man with a big beard and Shem was a sasuke was Shem and he was a younger guy with brown hair and they were both wearing long men robes. 

"wow.... who are we?" Mary laughed at Shem and shook her head. "I already told you youre Shem and Noah now" 

"ohhhh okay. " Shem looked up at the beautiful stunning Mary and felt his heart beat nervously. he looked over at Noah and saw how much wiser he looked and how he seemed like a bigger authority now. he nods in respect and turns back to Mary,

"I have a mission for you, children of God!" she exclaimed and both Shem and Noah looked up quickly up at her.

"what is it?" Shem quizzed. 

"I know it may sound scary, but you must do it to prove yourself as worthy adversaries to God. you both must travel to the gates of Hell and resist Satan himself. if you can prove that you are truly devoted to God and His judgment even while being temped by the Devil himself you will become the highest honored to Him" Mary swooped her pretty robes and started to fade away as she spoke into a bright light. 

"Satan?? the Devil himself?? oh Mary, im not sure we are ready for such a task thats scary." Shem said nervously but Noah interrupted him

"no my son, we will go and we wil honor God's wishes. Mary is the handmaiden of God and whatever she says goes. " Noah nodded at Shem and he sighed nervously. hes very scared to go to Hell because of all of the sin that is going to be here. 

"its gonna be ok Shem, I wil protect you no matter what happens ok?" Mary fully disappeared and like turned into a fine mist and the mist fell into the holy water and she was gone for good. Shem and Noah nodded again and puttered around the Church for clues. they didnt know how to get to Hell or where it was, they only knew it was underneath them somewhere. they shuffles around until Shem noticed a small note under one of the first pews facing away from the cross. 

"hey Noah, look at this!" Shem exclaimed and pulled the note out from under the pew. they both peered over and looked at the note. 


noah gasped slightly when he saw the numbers but kept his composure . "the never ending hallway.. where is that? ive never seen it before and never in a church either" he asked.

shem sighed and shrugged, looking around the church. "well lets start looking we already have half the puzzle solved so its okay."

shem and Noah shuffled around the church trying to find the endless hallway until Noah found a small button on the bath of the holy water. he cliedki it and a light started to glow from the other side of the room. "

"shem. over there." he whispered and Shem looked quickly. it was the endless hallway! they opened the door and scurried to the 6th door on the right. it wasnt hard to find and they turned the knob 6 times and knocked 6 times even though it hurt to do and their bones almost broke in their skin 

when they opened the door they thought that they were gonna see Hell but there was nothing there. it was nothing but a big desert that went on for hundred and millions of miles and looked like it went on forever and ever. it was very dry and Noah and Shem had to cover their mouths and cough when they looked into the distance. 

the wind blew very hard and Noah and Shem stumbled into the Devils door and started to make their jounrey to Hell. 

AN: im not sick anymore and I feel better but Mary still wont respond praying and praying shes back tomorrow I think shes just busy but maybe shes gone silent because ive taken over her and she has passed and moved on and ive replaced her 

the sand was very dry and almost a little red when Noah and Shem walked across the big desert. there weren't any trees and it was like someone came in and blew all the plants away. there were about 4 bushes but nothing else. 

"Noah... father... is this really worth it? cant we just be devoted to God by praying every day and believing in him?" he sounded sort of nervous

Noah became upset that Shem even said that. he stops in his tracks and looks over at him. 

"we have to do this for HIm. if ee cant show that we can resist temptation, we'll never be true believers. and its an honor to do this for God some of His followers arent even given this chance, be grateful son." he scolds him and keeps waling into the sand.

shem sighed and nodded again, following Noah. he knew he was right and needed to believe in his mission or else he would never be fully accepted by God. 

shem and Noah decided to take a break at nighttime when the stars came out and everything went dark. they set up a tent Noah happened to having in his bed and decided to go to sleep. Shem and Noah slept next to each other because they were both scared maybe a demon would come in the night and attack them, but they had their crosses so they were a little less nervous now. 

in the middle of the night Shem jolt awake and rubbed his head nervously. 

"noah? are you awake? I hear something scary." Noah blinked slightly but wouldnt get up very much. "Noah please!!1!! dad!!" he exclaimed as he heard the bush near the cloth tent get loud . there was something there and he knew it. but Noah wouldnt wake up, he wasnt dead he was just very sleepy. 

the thing came out of the bush.

to be continued

AN: I wish I could've made the chapter longer but im really mad and sad and im realizing more and more things about myself and when I do im so so happy so idk how 2 feel anymore 

even though I hate her I miss my mom I keep telling her and telling God at night that I know im Mary now so she can come back but she still hasn't  mom i miss you mom i miss you can you come back she will come back tomorrow i know it 

so dumb (not Mary shes not dumb im dumb sorry im sorry Mary ) 

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so dumb (not Mary shes not dumb im dumb sorry im sorry Mary ) 

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