Silk and Cologne

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The mirror reflected the best "you" you've seen since coming to this earth. You actually picked out something nice to wear, not something to get by for work. Instead, you had to consider looking good. Really good. You needed to get noticed by the people going to the club you were supposed to visit. What was called? Crimson Hour? Tiny's Tavern? Did it even matter? Cindy Moon was supposed to be in charge of getting it figured out. You tugged on your collar and felt the fabric of your spider-suit. Hopefully you wouldn't need this.

Your stomach fluttered, and the idea of seeing Cindy Moon threw your mind in for a loop. The room span like you just slingshotted in. What was she going to look like? The pounding in your heart was almost hard enough to think your spider-senses were going off in alarm. Upon looking at yourself again, you thought you could use a little more work and messed with your hair, more concerned about what Cindy thought about you than anyone else. You sprayed yourself with a bottle of cologne and teased your hair— hoping that she likes a lazy appearance instead of a more refined one.

Outside, cool air met you. It was warmer than the previous night, but you were proactively moving so your body could keep itself warm. You used the subway system to get by as you typically did when you weren't doing Spider-Man things, but it only took you a couple of minutes to reconsider your line of thinking. There were rats down here. Some of the commuters were rank. And the train smelled of urine. It never bothered you before, but with something personal in the line, you couldn't help but worry that the surroundings might taint any chance of landing anywhere good.

Once you reached your destination. You started to feel your pocket vibrate. You fished out your phone and saw it was Cindy calling you. Your thumb slid on the screen as you exited the subway, unfortunately, the brief distraction caused you to run into someone at the top of the stairs. The sound of your phone landing on the concrete was enough for you to know it was broken without looking at it.

The person you ran into apologized and knelt down to retrieve your shattered black mirror. You looked up, annoyed that you missed the call with Cindy.

"Sorry, Charlie," Cindy chimed with a sheepish smile.

The aguish and spite you felt melted as you saw Cindy's brown eyes reflect a dull reflection of yourself. She caught your stare and stepped back after you took your phone. "No. I'm serious. That was my bad."

  "I— should have..." you finally looked at your phone. You were on call with Cindy, but more than half of the screen and webbed with misfortune. "...been paying more attention."

A few feet away from you, Cindy hung up the call and advanced again, taking your broken phone from your hands to examine it. You figured she was going to comment about the lack of case and screen protector, but instead she gripped it wordlessly. "I'm really sorry."

  "It's just a thing. Easily replaceable," you assured quietly as you admired her black dress and stocked stature. You'd never seen her before with so much makeup, but it made everything about her seem so much more feminine, you thought. She had a red leather jacket over herself, mimicking her overall hero outfit. Keeping her company was a small purse that shared the same color of her jacket.  "You look nice," you tried to sound nonchalant about it, but when she smiled and brushed her hair behind her ear, you imagined your face going bright red.

  "You look good, too," she smiled without effort. You thought her eyes glossed over you with attraction, but were quick to bury your thoughts so you didn't get distracted again. "So, I have some friends waiting for us."

  "Right. It's just not us."

  "Of course," she chuckled. "Lola and Rafferty are waiting for us. They're dying to meet you."

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