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"Where are you going? It's too late" He says with a cold tone but an expressionless look.

I was startled to hear his voice suddenly out of the blue because I didn't know he was sitting in the dark at the kitchen.

"Oh.. you are here too. I'm going out for some fresh air.." I said.

"Yeah, 'Chukle' You are going out for some fresh air or Is it for that secret lover?" He says sarcastically.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" I literally don't know what this man is taking about..

"You can't fool me. You may think I don't know but I do. If you're not going to see another guy you're probably going to meet someone from your past, right?" He looks at me with a straight face.

My heart skips a beat.. "What are you talking about ?"

"Tell me I'm wrong then. Are you really going in the middle of the night just to get some fresh air?" He spoke calmly, but there is a lot of anger hidden behind that calmness.

I sighed. "Yes, I need some fresh air... I really do need that".

"Don't give me that bullshit. I know everything." He grabs my arm and pulls it towards him.

"I really don't get what you are talking about".

He never showed such anger and never physically touched me like this. That's why his today's behavior seems very suspicious to me.

"You're such a crappy liar. Why don't you just tell me already, huh? Who is the guy and why are you sneaking out to meet him?" He grabbed my arm harder.

"There is no one I'm going to meet. You just misunderstood something" I was trying to free my arm from his tight grip.

"It's clear that you're going to meet someone. I'm not an Idiot you know. Stop lying to me and tell me the goddamn truth. I won't be mad I promise."

"But you already talking like a madman."

"A madman? *Tsk!!*  Why do you think I'm a madman? Because I'm telling you the truth?.... You are the one who is being suspicious, not me. JUST. TELL. ME. THE. TRUTH. GODDAMNIT"  He gritted his teeth.

"I'm not going anywhere to meet anybody. I'm being honest" I sighed.

"Don't tell me you're still going to denying it, do you? I can't understand why you are not telling me the truth. I can tell that you're about to dump me. It's fine. I'm already prepared for it. When are you gonna tell me though?" He is really angry.

"Dump you? What are you talking about?"

"CAN'T YOU JUST ADMIT IT? you are tired of our marriage. You want to move on. JUST SAY IT"  His eyes are burning with anger.

"Why you suddenly---"  before I complete my sentence he cuts me off.

"It's not suddenly. I've been seeing the signs. That's why i just want a straightforward answer from you" he says as he releases my arm.

"Jungkook you really misunderstood something. It's nothing lik--"  again before I complete my sentence he cut me off.

Why he never try to listen to me? He never want to know my side of story. And because of this now again a misunderstanding create.

"I didn't misunderstand anything. I'm so tired of your lies. Just admit it already." His ears turned red.

"Why you think that I'm going to dump you?" I wanted to look into his eyes but couldn't able to look into his eyes because his eyes looks like they were going to burn me.

Are you capable of looking at the sun on daylight? Exactly..!! Me too.

"Can't you see? The Vibes are off, we are distant, you're too shady. You are definitely planning on breaking up with me. Just be brave enough to say it already. You are already getting on my nerves" His eyes are fixed on me.

"Jungkook because of a little misunderstanding you are questioning my loyalty and breaking my heart"

He gets even closer and whispers "And because of your "Little" lies, you have broken mine"

My heart is beating like crazy because he never behave like this to me and his this behaviour literally making me worried sick. Everything was Fine yesterday then what happened to him suddenly?

"I'm not lying. I'm not seeing other guys."

He leans closer to my face "And I don't believe you Kim Eunjoo."


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