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Eunjoo POV:

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Eunjoo POV:

"Now I know why my mom calls Jimin 'son', " I mumbled to myself, sitting alone on the bench, watching college students play football. "His mom was always busy and never gave him time. So, my mom tried her best to make him happy and feel better."

I sighed deeply, "I was so immature back then, fighting over stupid things."

"Yes, you were. Even now, too," Jimin's voice suddenly came from behind, startling me.

"Stop startling me all the time," I sighed again, trying to calm my racing heart.

"So, how are you? You just forgot about me after getting married. Does that jerk love you so much that you forgot about everyone around you?" he remarked sarcastically, sitting beside me.

"Where have you been lately?" I inquired, ignoring his comment.

"Busy with football practice," he replied nonchalantly.

"But I didn't see you on the football field," I countered.

"You didn't bother to text me or call me either," he looked away, "I was practicing somewhere else," he explained, and I nodded.

"So... are you okay?" Jimin queried, a serious concern in his voice, his eyes full of worry.

"Yes, I'm-" he interrupted me.

"And please, cut the bullshit. Don't say you are okay when you are not," he insisted firmly.

I let out an awkward scoff, "Yeah, a little bit tired, but I'm better than before, so don't worry."

"Like I can control it," he mumbled under his breath, but I heard it.

"Why didn't you come to college these days?" he questioned.

"I was busy with something," I answered, I was enjoying my time with Tan.

He nodded.

"By the way, you look tired too. Are you staying up late?" I probed.

"Yeah, because of projects, college stuff, you know," he explained, and I just nodded.

"GUYSSSSSSSS!!!!!" We looked back and saw J-Hope running towards us.

"What is wrong with him?" I commented, and Jimin shook his head, "No idea."

J-Hope stopped in front of us, panting heavily. Jimin and I looked at him worriedly.

"What happened?" I inquired.

"Did you crack the dance audition?" Jimin queried, and I looked at Jimin, confused, then back to J-Hope.

"Actually... no, I failed again," J-Hope released a sharp sigh.

"Then why were you shouting like you got selected?" Jimin commented.

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