Chapter 3

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"I should've asked Hyunjin to join us, right?" I turned around to glance at Nami, who had asked that question. A pang of guilt hit me as I realised I had sent the elder one home without offering dinner on his first day working for me. 

"You know what? Here's some money. Use all of this and eat all you want tonight," I take out my wallet, pull some paper bills, and hand them to Nami. 

"Where are you going, Lix?" she asked as I took my car keys. "I forgot that I have to be somewhere. I promise I'll treat you guys to dinner tomorrow, and Hyunjin can join us tomorrow night," I said before getting out and making a beeline to my car. I took out my phone and the resume' Hyunjin had sent to my dad. I sorted out Hyunjin's phone number and dialled it. 

He picks up a few seconds later. "Felix?" the confused voice of the male hits my ear. "Hey, did you reach home already?" I asked. 

"No, why?" 

"Where are you now? I'll go there," I asked again instead of answering his question. Hyunjin gave me the location, and I started the engine, driving to the spot a few blocks from my studio. I spotted Hyunjin as I stopped the car in front of him. I rolled down my windows as he tilted forward. 

"Hey, is something wrong?" I could tell that my sudden call had caused the male to be worried. 

"Nope. Hop in, I wanted to treat you to dinner," I finally answered his question with a smile and he grinned before making his way around the car to join me. Once he was in, I started driving again, heading towards a restaurant that I frequent. 

"I was going to ask you earlier, but it slipped from my mind," I said as I drove to our destination. 

"Thank you, Felix. That's sweet of you," Hyunjin smiled as he looked out of the window. The windows of my car were rolled down and the wind caused Hyunjin's long hair to fly behind him, some hairs falling on his face as he pushed them back. I found myself mesmerized by his little actions as I glanced at him slightly. Both of us exchanged little smiles when our eyes met. I finally pulled up to the parking lot, getting out of the car followed by Hyunjin.

"Wow, I love the exterior design of this place," Hyunjin gaped as he looked at the building from top to bottom. "Isn't it so nice? The exterior design lives up to the taste this place has to offer," I said as we made our way inside. I was greeted by my regular host and she showed both of us to an empty table. I ordered some wine as the waiter placed the menu cards on the table. I took one card and started going over the cases, quickly deciding on what I wanted to eat. I looked up to find Hyunjin, his face focused, going over the menu. 

"Have you decided on what to eat?" I asked him when he looked up. "I don't know what to eat. This is my first time being to a fancy restaurant like this and everything looks and sounds delicious," he smiled awkwardly and I nodded in understanding. "Do you want me to place an order for the two of us? You won't be sorry, I assure you. Unless it's a dish you're not fond of."

"I don't like anything with eggplants," Hyunjin made a disgusted face and I couldn't help but giggle causing his face to break into a smile as well. 

The waiter came a few seconds later with our wine, leaving with our orders. 

"So... What do you do for a living?" I asked, wanting to get to know Hyunjin better and noticing that he doesn't talk much. "Nothing much actually, I had a part-time job for a while but the owner was too demanding, so I had to quit."

"Part-time job? Ah, you mentioned you are a university student," my memory jogged back to Hyunjin's resume. Hyunjin nodded as he took a sip of wine. The red colour of the wine left a slight tint on his plump lips. He was truly one of the most beautiful clients I have worked with and if Dad hired him, that means I get to do more photoshoots with him. 

- 𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 | 𝐇𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐱Where stories live. Discover now