-Authors Note-

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(This is for those who don't follow me or haven't seen my recent post)

Hello! It's been a while...(3+ years actually). I would like to apologize for disappearing for SOO LONG! I've been super busy with school and mental health (because of school) and out of school programs that I've never really had the time to get back to writing. I sincerely apologize and I would like to let you guys know that I haven't forgotten about you guys! I miss writing and I haven't forgotten about our little sequel I promised. With that being said...


Another big reason why I couldn't get back to writing was because of the horrible writer's block I continued to get (Screw you writer's block!). So I would love to know what YOU GUYS would want for a sequel! I may combine ideas or pick one idea or your idea may be inspiration or whatever! All in all, I really need you guys help if we go through with this sequel.

Comment what you want for the sequel OR if you are following me, comment your ideas in my most recent post!

I appreciate you all and I will see you guys in the sequel!

P.S. I also wouldn't mind if you guys suggested a title to the sequel...the title I thought of is kinda corny.. :')

Don't Let Him Die (Sonadow)Where stories live. Discover now