Chapter 14

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(Shadow's Pov)

 "Shadow, wake up." A voice said.

 I open my eyes to see a silver hedgehog standing in front of me. He had a clipboard in his hands. The way he looked showed he wasn't happy, but he gave a small smile to make me feel a little better, which didn't help. 'Why is he here?' I thought. Then I looked around. 'Why am I here?'

But then it all came back to me. Everything that happened ran through my head and it hurt like a bullet. "Oh shit." I mumbled loud enough for Silver to hear. He took a step back.

"So uh.." I started. I didn't know what to ask first. Is it bad? Will he be Ok? Will he be able to stand the next day? Will he even be here the next day?

"How is he?" was all I could get out. " Well, " Silver began. "That scar was pretty bad, but we managed to give him stitches. He also twisted his ankle, which should heal in some time. For now, we recommend he stay here until he can walk again."

"Can I see him?"

(Sonic 's PoV)


I stood in front of the room we slept in. I just had to ask him so I wouldn't be so confused any more. There has to be a reason why he did what he did, and why he's acting so nice. Is he trying to trick me? Or is he trying to tell me something?

I took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. Shadow was sitting on the bed reading a book that I couldn't see the cover of. "Hey Shadow?" I said quietly. He lifted his head and hummed, but never took his eyes off the book.

"Umm.. c-can I talk to you?" That got his attention. He immediately closed the book, not caring of he lost his page or not, set it aside and parted the bed. "Come sit." He said.

I slowly say next to him, adjusting my sweater out of nervousness. "So, what you want to talk about?" He asked?

" Its about a few days ago. " I managed to say. "Remember when I stuck my tongue out at you, and you told me to do it again, but with my eyes closed?" He slowly nodded and kept a straight face. I gulped. "Why did you do that? W-Why did you kiss m-me?" I said ever so quietly. A few seconds after I asked, a smirk slowly creeped across his face. Oh crap.

"Well why don't you try to ask a more specific question?" He asked still smirking. I thought of a question almost immediately. "D-Do you like me? Is that a better question?" I asked.

" No. " he said. "I love you." 

My eye went wide. So when was he going to tell me? Why was he keeping that from me? How long was he going to wait? 

" So I'm going to finish my book now. " he said standing up, picking me up, and pushing me towards the door. When we got to the door I turned around and looked up at him.

"Now wait a second-" I started, but got interrupted when he gave me a kiss. He took one last look at me, smirked, and without letting me finish, said " Bye. " He winked then closed the door in my face.

'Well that went great' I thought.

-End Flashback-

Opening my eyes quickly is something I regret doing, but I did it any way. I slowly sat up not wanting to cause anymore pain then there already is. There was a bandage wrapped around my stomach and a bandage around my ankle. My head hurt like there was a brick being thrown at it, but surprisingly, it wasn't injured.

My ear twitched as I heard the door open. A silver hedgehog peeked into the room. He smiled when he saw me. "Oh good your awake!" He said.

" He's awake? " I heard another voice say. 

"Sonic you have a vi-" Before he could finish, a black and red blur burst into the room, ran up to me, and start hugging me. It wasn't a tight hug, but it was right enough to make me squeak.

"Oh- sorry. Did I hug you too tight?" Shadow asked cupping my cheek.

" No, you didn't. " I said. He nodded and kissed my cheek. Then he looked over at the machine I was hooked up to. He frowned.

-Beep Beep Beep- The machine went.

"Why is he hooked up to that?" Shadow asked turning to Silver. "He still has that sickness remember? That scar didn't change anything." Silver replied.

 "What is it for?" Shadow asked. Silver and I were shocked to hear him ask that. For someone who works at the G. U.N., you would think he would know about this.

"Its to monitor his heart rate." Silver answered. " If the machine starts beeping fast, then come get me if a doctor immediately. I'm going to leave you guys alone for a while." Silver smiled and walked out the room, closing the door behind him.

That's when Shadow burst into tears.

"Whoa, what's wrong?" I asked. Shadow crying was very unusual for me, and it hardly ever happens.

"THIS! All of this that's happening to you, it's all my fault! If it wasn't for me, you could've been better and out of here by now!" Shadow sobbed.

" But Shadow, it was an accident, and we can't predict when they are coming. Stuff happens and sometimes we can't take it back. "

"But this accident I CAN'T take back! This accident could be fatal!" My ears went down when I heard him say that. What he said is true. This could be fatal. This, rightnow, could even be the last day I live, the last breath I take, the last time I open my eyes to see the morning sun...



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