Chapter 5

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(Tails PoV)

How could he feel worse? Just yesterday he was talking and smiling. Why is he hurting again?

"Are you sure?" I asked. He started to write on the notebook I gave him. "Yes I'm sure, and it's also really hard to breathe." He wrote. That made me worry.

"Look Sonic, I'm going to call for a nurse to visit our house so they can examine you. I would try, but I'm no expert." That made Sonic confused. He started writing something in the notebook.

"Don't you have a doctor's degree or something?" He wrote

"Have you ever heard someone call me Dr. Prower?" That made him a little less confused. He nodded his head slowly to show he understood.


I opened the door for the nurse. It took him an hour to get here. He was originally scheduled to come  tomorrow, but as soon as I told him that his sickness is unknown, he said he will come as soon as he can.

"So where's the patient?" The nurse asked getting straight to the point. I directed the nurse into Sonic's room and he got straight to work. He asked Sonic a few questions, which made the process a little longer since he had to write the words out. The nurse read everything Sonic wrote carefully, but when he asked one more question, he shook his head in disappointment.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what he has. I can't help you."

Sonic looked very surprised at first, but then slowly nodded. All day today, we got a bunch of visits from nurses I called, but all with the same reply: "I don't know, I can't help you." Ten nurses in total had come to our house, all with the same outcome, except one.

"I can't help you, but I might know a place that can help." The last nurse said.

(Shadow's PoV)

"I have a mission in a few days." Rouge said.

"Don't you mean we have a mission?" I asked, but she shook her head. "The boss said you have a different mission coming up for yourself, its in Miami."

A mission in Miami for myself. I asked for more information. She said that she got info that Eggman was planning on attacking a hospital, the reason is because that they might have found a cure to an unknown sickness that has been reported that only a small number of people may have. 'How cruel could he be?' I thought to myself.

(Sonic's PoV)

"The place is in Miami." The nurse said.

"Miami?! But that will take us months or even years for us to get there!" Tails said. That made me feel a little scared. 'What if I have this sickness forever?' I thought to myself. 'What if..I don't.. survive from this?' I shook my head trying to erase the thought.

"Yes Miami." The nurse said. "You may want to take the highway there, going by plane may cause him to throw up again."

"What about getting car sick?" I wrote.

"You have a less chance of getting car sick then throwing up on a plane." The doctor replied.

(Shadow's PoV)

"So when is your mission?" I asked Rouge.

"You don't need to worry about that. Your mission is sooner than mine." Rouge said.

"So when is my mission?" I asked her.

"Your mission is in..."

(Sonic's PoV)

"When is the recommended time to leave to Miami?" Tails asked.

"By the condition Sonic is in now, you should leave in..."

(Sonic and Shadow's PoV)

"...three days." Rouge and the nurse said.

Im really putting in a lot of effort into writing this story and I appreciate all the support! Untill next time, stay tuned!

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