Chapter 10

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(Shadows PoV)

Sonic nodded and got up slowly. He started walking towards the door, but then he stopped. He looked nervous, kinda unsure if he should go. He looked back at me and I nodded as if telling him it's ok for him to go. He didn't look so nervous anymore, but I could still see some fear in his movements going inside. He finally went all the way in and all I hear is a click sound from the door before being in the waiting room by myself.

-----------(A Few Minutes Later)--------

I was getting so bored. The seat was getting uncomfortable so I tried moving to a different seat, but that didn't help at all. I was starting to give up. I was slowly drifting off to sleep. 'Man I wonder what's taking them so long.' I thought 'I wonder if they would let m-'


My eyes opened immediately and I stood up almost faster than the pace my heart beats at. I went to the door and put my ear up to it. I didn't want to barge in and ruin whatever procedure was going on. I heard a few mumbles then I started to hear them clearly.

"It won't hurt only if you hold still." I heard Silver say. I heard Sonic wailing quite loudly for a person who is sick.

"I d-don't w-want t-t-to!!" I heard him say in between sobs.

"It will help you get better. We have to do this to figure out what you have and fix it Sonic! Just breathe.." Silver said. Then everything went quiet. 'Guess the drama is over.' I thought. 'I wonder what made him cry like tha-'


I face palms on how he interrupted another one of my thoughts. I heard him cry louder than he did before.

"And your all done for now Sonic." Silver said.

"For n-now?! T-this isn't it?!" Sonic said between screaming and crying. "No sadly it's not all Sonic, sorry." Silver said quietly. I heard Sonic's cry become muffled, he must be covering his face.

----(A Few More Minutes Later)----

Everything had quieted down and I saw Sonic walk out with a bandage on his arm. His eyes was puffy from crying and I could tell he was embarrassed and a little sleepy.

"Aww dis the lil ol' Sonic get a shot? Do you want me to kiss it?" I teased and smirked at him.

"Shut up.." he mumbled sitting in the chair next to me.

I got up and stood in front of him, still smirking. "I wish I could've said that to you when I heard you bailing out like a child who dropped their ice cream." I said shaking my head. He started to tense up and slowly sunk his face in his sweater.

(Sonic's PoV)

"Aww don't be such a wuss about it." I heard him say. I poked my head out of my sweater and stuck my tongue out at him as he sat back down next to me. He sat there for a minute staring at my mouth. 'What is he thinking about?' I thought. 'Is he going to smack me in my mouth for sticking my tongue out at him?'

"How about you do that again?" He said silencing my thoughts. "Do what again?" I asked.

"Stick your tongue out at me, but this time, close your eyes." He said. I hesitated at first, but I stuck my tongue out and slowly closed my eyes. 'Please don't pull my tongue' I thought and it kept repeating in my head.

Instead, I felt something soft and wet push my tongue back in my mouth and lips press against mine. Wait. Lips??

My eyes shot open only to see Shadow
lips-to-lips with me. My eyes went wide and I felt myself getting hot. 'WHAT THE HECK IS HE DOING?!' I thought. 'WHY IS HE DOING THIS, WHAT WAS HE THINKING, AND WHY AM I LETTING HIM DO THIS?' I felt my eye twitch.

(Shadows PoV)

After a while, I broke the kiss and looked at him. His face was completely red, redder than before, and his mouth was hanging open.

"You better close your mouth before I do it again~" I said. He shut his mouth quick and sunk his face in his sweater again. It's always so cute to see him do that.

"Sonic it's staring to get late, we should head back to the trailer." I said.

"O-Ok" he said. It more came out as a squeak then a stutter. We were on our way outside when Silver walked in into the waiting room.

"Where you guys going?" He asked.

"We're going back to the trailer we came in to get some sleep." I said turning towards him.

"Isn't it cold out there? We have a bed in here, how about you two spent the night in here?" He offered.

"Ok sure, what do you think Sonic?" I asked him, but all I got out of him was a slow nod.

"Ok, but there only one bed available so you guys are going to have to share if that's Ok." Silver said as we were walking towards the room.

I looked down at Sonic who looked as if he was going to explode any second.

I'm sorry I haven't updated lately. I've been catching up on some sleep. I hoping I can update more quickly than before. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Also, don't fangirl too much XD!! Ok bye and stay tuned!

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