Chapter 4

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Author's Note: I'm not doing the "Previously" stuff anymore because it's kinda a waste of my time. BACK TO THE STORY:

(Tails PoV)

"Sonic your better now? But how?" I asked super confused.

"Shadow used his healing aura around me remember?" He said.

"Sonic..he didn't" I said.

"What? Shadow you didn't? Then how am I better?" He asked. "I don't know Sonic that's why I'm trying to figure it out, and find a cure if I can" I said making him calm down a bit.

"Why didn't you do the healing aura Shadow?" Sonic asked. "I'm not wasting my energy on you, Faker." Shadow said.

"Then why did you come?"

(Shadows PoV)

Why did I come? If I didn't want to help him, why am I here? "Look, I'm going to go because I'm wasting my time here." I said ignoring the question.

I chaos controlled back to my house. When I opened the front door, Rouge was on my couch watching TV.

"When did you get here?" I asked. "I got here as soon as you went to go see your boyfriend~"

"Rouge for the last time he's not my boyfriend!!"

"Yeah he's not your boyfriend yet~"

I rolled my eyes and went upstairs into my room and closed the door. I sat on my bed and begun to think, 'Why does it feel as if something is missing from my life? I can live without it if I choose to, but I don't want to. What am I missing? It seems to come to me every time I'm with Faker..but that's anger...right?'
I started scratching my head and tried thinking of ways to fill the empty gap inside me.

'But why does Faker fill that gap?'

(Tails PoV)

Sonic was starting to cough and wheeze again, and he couldn't talk anymore. Why did things get worse when Shadow left? Why didn't Shadow use his healing aura? What type of sickness does Sonic have? I have so many questions, but not enough answers.

I gave Sonic some green tea, but that didn't help. He burned his tongue and choked on the tea bag, which made his coughing worsen.

"Sonic, maybe sleep will help you get a little better, today's Friday so you can sleep as long as you need." I said to him. He nodded and lay down in his bed.

Knuckles had already left to tell Amy how Sonic was doing. He also went to go tell the others. I will find a cure to this sickness he has, I just don't know how yet.


I woke up early in the morning to go check on Sonic. He was still asleep, but I could hear him wheezing before I even entered the room. I decided to make him breakfast in bed so he won't have to get up.

I shook Sonic lightly to wake him up. His eyes didn't open. I shook him again, this time calling his name. He moved a bit, but still didn't wake up. I did the same thing but shook him a little harder. He opened his eyes and started to sit up. When he did, he turned pale. He got up and ran to the bathroom, and threw up.

I ran after him and patted his back while he was puking. When he was finished I told him to brush his teeth so he won't have a vomit taste in his mouth.

"Are you OK?" I asked him. He nodded slowly and made his way back into his room, back into bed. Maybe what he ate yesterday made him throw up. Before he went to sleep, I did make him a chilli dog so maybe that did it.

"Do you feel any better?" I asked him hopping my theory was correct. I handed him a notebook and a pencil so he can answer since he still couldn't talk. He handed me the paper and I couldn't believe what he wrote. This sickness isn't going away anytime soon.

"I feel worse," he wrote

I am going to update sooner than you guys may expect so be ready to read again! Au revoir!

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