Chapter 4: Time Anomaly

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A person has been waiting at Decade's appointed gathering point. They seem to be nowhere. That person is equipped with a blue colored dress and light blue long hair.

"What took you so long, General?"

Hakatsu is confused by the title. And who is she?

"General? I don't remember being a general in my lifetime."
He refuses.

The woman sighed in disappointment and pointed her high-tech gun toward him. Aiming at his chest, she fired immediately. The gunshot sound felt somewhat familiar to him but not enough to bring back the assumed memories. Hakatsu's arm reflected and captured the bullet. It took a few milliseconds for him to realize his action, his Decade armor protected the palm from being damaged.

"You may not remember but your instinct is still as great as when you were at your prime."

He doesn't who she is but familiarity is somewhat there.

"The time within this period is fusing with the current one. A time distortion to be exact. Your existence within this period disrupts it, the longer you stay here the worse it gets."

Hakatsu finally realized his surroundings, the trees were much more dead than before.

"I recommend you to return us as soon as possible, General Hakatsu. If you still insist on retrieving your power, just kill the Herrscher of this period. " She recommends him to kill the Herrschers for faster power retrieval, wasting time with them would only disrupt time itself. Hakatsu watches as the forest burns, wondering what he should do to retrieve his power. Violence or support?

While he is distracted, the girl aims at his chest and shoots at him. He swiftly deflects the bully with his blade. Hakatsu immediately becomes Decade and attacks her. He uses his blade to slash her. Instead of splitting her in half, the blade phases through her body as if she isn't truly here. Hakatsu is confused by the distorted image of her. She stared at his eye and gives off an inviting wink.

Once she disappears, the surroundings return to its cold and lively forest. He has returned to the past, and still processing everything. But what he knows for sure is that he is a threat to time itself. Believing it or not it's up to him. Not further from him, he can see the group and immediately head there. Tesla seems to have been coughing since exiting the hospital and Welt is slowly recovering.

Einstein doesn't who they are and she doesn't have anything to help them. They had to rest due to Tesla's illness worsening in a short time. Hakatsu immediately gets clean and warm water to reduce the effect of her unknown illness. She took a sip of the drink and the coughing was reduced slightly.

The illness seems to be something rather a flu of some sort. However, that thought immediately vanished after Welt noticed a weird spot on her throat.

"What is this?..."
Welt scanned her throat. Some sort of bulge of substance was attached to her flesh.

"The same goo from the infected individual before."
Hakatsu is sure of his diagnosis. It is the same one during their time at the headquarters.

Leaving the goo for too long and uncared for would end her life before turning her into a monster. She only has a short time to last. Their knowledge of removal isn't available, well not for him at least. The knowledge of disinfection reappeared in his mind. It came like a memory returning.

To remove the infection, the brain of the virus has to be disintegrated. That brain itself might be the abnormality attached to Otto as he is the first one to utilize it.

"Welt, Einstein, take care of her and keep her alive. I'll finish everything."
Hakatsu faces away from them before summoning his bike.

Welt held her hands as her life slowly disappeared. He doesn't want her to go, he wants her to live.

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