Chapter 6: Reason to Fight

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The explosion from the Gold Knight's arrow shatters the ground, creating a ripple crack in the arena. The golden domain has turned purple as the gold armor on Otto shows the true nature of it. The armor is more organic than visually the color shares the same color as the Abnormal.

"I did it... I have avenged you, Kallen.."
Otto looks at the ceiling within his corrupted armor.

For a false truth, the man did what he thought was avenge. In the end, he was greatly fooled.

As the smoke from the explosion disappears, Otto notices an unexpected scene from what he had planned. A blue barrier appears within the smoke and disappears once the dust has faded.

A blue-haired man appears in front of Hakatsu, it was none other than the Herrscher of Reason himself, Welt Joyce.

Hakatsu said he would confirm the man's identity in front of him.

Welt glared at Hakatsu and said,
"Reckless and Idiocy are different. But you seem to be between both."

The Herrscher helped him up and attached a device to his wound, neutralizing the pain and rebuilding the tissue. Upon standing straight, his Ridebooker opens up and cards fly into his hand. The Herrscher of Reason cards are completed. Hakatsu smiles behind his helmet and stands beside Welt.

"It doesn't matter for now.", Decade said.

Decade and Welt rush forward and toward Otto. The corrupted knight fires his arrows rapidly in rage at his failure to kill Hakatsu once again. Multiple of them are redirecting behind the Herrscher and the Rider as the result of Welt's barrier. Explosions occur behind them from the arrows missing their targets. As they got close enough, Decade and Welt punched through the Corrupted Knight with their powered strength.

The knight pushed backward from the powered attack of them. Otto screams beneath his armor spreads out rotting wings from his back and flies upward. A bright light shines upon both of his hands and forms into spears before throwing them toward his opponents. Welt summons a barrier and multiple cannons aiming at the incoming spears. Welt would then attach a modifier onto Decade's blade.

"I've analyzed the property of the armor, that should ease the substance of it and breaks easily."
Said Welt as he fired a modifier to Decade's Ridebooker.

Welt summons the platform beneath them and flies upward. The knight flies everywhere to dodge his rampant attacks of cannons. He ducks and turns in all directions to avoid damage, the knight would then teleports using the spear he threw at Welt who has deflected his attack. However, Decade is already above him and backstabs him with his sword. The knight falls down the sky and Decade rips his wings off. Before hitting the ground, the rider jumps off the knight and lands safely as the ground cracks from the ambush.

Otto gets up from the ground and immediately rushes toward Decade despite the pain. However, his leg armor shatters as it hits the ground to run. The modifier on the Ridebooker has liquid nitrogen within it. When the blade thrusts through his armor, it spreads through the interior and freezes the substance within indiffeniately.

As Otto is disadvantaged, he tries to shoot Decade with his bow but it shatters with his armor as he tries to move within it. Taking this opportunity, Decade rushes forward and jumps before landing a kick on his chest. Shattering the armor completely. The Overseer has been freed from the Abnormal.

Otto falls to the ground and goes unconscious for the time being. Welt arrives next to Decade and jumps from his platform.

"Is it over?", Welt asked as both of them spectated Otto.

Decade looks behind them and finds the pieces of the armor have melted. They start to approach a meeting point.

"Not until that is destroyed!"
Decade pulls out his Ridebooker in firearm mode and fires each of the puddles rapidly. Welt summons multiple blasters and helps him dispatch the remains.

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