Chapter 1: A Newborn Legend

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Why am I here?

Why am I doing this?

What is my purpose?

Where am I truly from?

The questions that keep appearing during my journey. I certainly do not know what I was truly meant to be or the purpose of my existence. But what I do know is I'm being called to perform a journey.

A journey to destroy gods of worlds.

A muscular man appears to be training in a gym. Push up and down the weight but each time the weight is mid-air, he takes a small look at a card standing in front of him.


After saying the name on the card, he eventually stopped due to exhaustion. He is preparing for something, and that something is a start of a journey. He checks his contact for any new messages and one is received.

"Hakatsu... Come to this location. If you wish for a clue for who you are."

He closes his phone before preparing to investigate a new case of mystery. Upon arriving at the appointed location, he is greeted by news reporters ready to interview him.

"Detective Hakatsu! What possibilities on who's the culprit behind this incident?!"

"Detective Hakatsu! Do you have any plan to solve this case?"

"Detective Hakatsu! How much are you paid for this?"

The news reporters are annoying as usual to him, it disturbs his prepared mind before investigating any new case. This was due to his unintentional resolve during his first case. He solved it by just combining very small details and barely related people who turn out to be the suspects of murder.

Being led to the crime scene, he is greeted by a blown-out gas tank. The cause itself was assumed to be a malfunction in the system due to someone, but that was just the lie spread to the public.

"Look, I know you are a great detective, but you gotta see this."
Said the officer.

Hakatsu is shown footage recorded before the explosion occurs. A weird white-paled creature appears in the feature, the creature moves around confused before suddenly becoming aggressive and rampages until it killed itself by the same explosion.

He felt somewhat familiar with the creature but it isn't the first time he encountered similar incidents. Reports of similar creatures have been received for the past month and it starts to ick him.

"This must be somewhat connected with other cases. It could be a planned attack to distract us."
He assumed.

It is backed up by 3 cases of the same incident, however, it happens within a random period. The first one happened 5 months ago and the second one was 3 months ago. The third one was 3  weeks ago.

"I'll be copying this footage to investigate further. I recommend all factories to be guarded at all times."

With that, he left the crime scene with a copy of the factory footage. Before the reporter could get an answer out of him, Hakatsu rides on his magenta motorcycle with white stripes on it and left the area.

The wind enters his helmet, giving him a cool sensation during the ride. The town is crowded as usual, nothing too special about it except the recent weird incidents. The streets are wet as usual due to the rainy season for the past month and the buildings around are small.

Pulling his brake, he arrived at the office. Everyone greets him but doesn't reply to them, Hakutsu has no time to intervene for such a greeting. Some see him as rude but he has to focus on what he is doing or about to do.

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