Chapter 5: Destroy

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Hakatsu heads to a nearby observatory to find the nearest beach based on the picture's appearance. As he arrives there, his bike malfunctions, causing it to break. The bike has received enough damage and ended its service. Frustrated, he bashed the locked door down. He is in a rush and has to find the right location where they are at not to waste any time finding them mindlessly.

He took out a scanning device and scanned every map in the archive of the observatory. The blue light shines upon the dusty room. As he waited for the scan to be finished, he saw a mirage of a person.

"You again..." He mutters. The scan finished as he flicked her head. The blue-haired girl appeared annoyed by his sudden act of annoyance toward her. "General! Why?!" She says. Hakatsu sighs while observing the gathered map scans, he pinpoints every possible spot based on the view. The man in the coat ignores her existence as he focuses on what's more important. 

The girl stays silent while he is identifying the dedicated spot for the hostage location. Hakatsu glares at her as if she has something to say. "If you want to say something, speak the matter." He commanded. The blue-haired girl takes a deep breath, "Why are you helping a Herrscher, General? Weren't your purpose on driving through time to eliminate every Herrscher?" She asks.

Hakatsu closes the hologram he use to pinpoint their location and meets eye-to-eye with her. 

"Subordinate, speak your identity." He commanded. He felt unlike himself at the moment after saying those. 

"I am Shigure Kira, the commander of the General's crew, the Destroyer. Why General ask?" 

Kira seems unaware of her General's condition.

"I have no recollection of being a General of any army. You've heard of me saying this before when we first met. However, I believe I have some kind of amnesia." He stated as he stared at his transformation card.

Shigure Kira stays silent, processing what he means by his words. "General..." She said quietly.

"General's previous self said there were no drawbacks at..." Kira cuts her sentence as she remembers something.

"Nevermind... I guess there were mistakes during calculation."

Just after she said that Hakatsu found the exact location where Otto was taken hostage by Welt's group. He is determined to save them even if one of them is a Herrscher. Before he could leave, Kira asked a question once again.

"General, you haven't answered my questions," Kira said in a commanding tone.

Hakatsu looks at Kira from a short distance. "You will find the answer while you watch the battle." Hakatsu inserted the photo into his bike. The man prepares several settings and several switches reactivated. The air in front of the bike shatters as he leaves the observatory, leaving her alone.

The Destroyer has stood inside the dedicated area. The ground is covered in sand and the surroundings are as dark as a deep abyss. As he walks deeper into the abyss, a boy appears upon him. When he approaches the boy, the boy gets further from him even though the boy doesn't move an inch. He finally knew this was just an illusion to trick him into leaving the area. Hakatsu pulls out his firearm and shoots out in the directory of the boy. The boy shatters like glass and the darkness disappears as if it was broken like a window.

The view of a crucifixion appears upon him. Welt's body is attached to the cross and seems to be unconscious. Meanwhile, Tesla and Einstein have their arms strangled within a cage.

What kind of madness is he pulling? He thought.

Just right when the mind makes that thought, a domain is expanded upon him. Creating a golden atmosphere around the area. The man, the madness, the apocalypse himself has appeared upon Hakatsu. The figure is covered with gold armor, it is as if he is a knight of the future.

"Otto, what's the point of this?"
I point him.

Otto laughs at his question.

"The point? Does it all matter? You are the destroyer of this world so why would it matter to you?"

"After all, the only thing that matters is my life mission to avenge her!"
The gold figure answers his question. Calling him a destroyer also makes it seem like he is responsible for all of these.

"You don't even know the true murderer of your fiance is right inside you..."
Hakatsu pulls out his card and inserts it into his belt.

Kamen Ride



Hakatsu pushes both sides of his belt and activates his transformation. Multiple mirages of his armor appear and become one when gathered on him. A card-like object shoots out of his belt and attaches to his helmet, changing the color of his armor from monochrome into black with white and magenta stripes along with the magenta visors.

The abnormality within Otto inserts a substance into his brain, filling the mind within only to kill Hakatsu solely for a false truth.

Decade runs toward Otto with his transformed Ridebooker blade and slashes his gold armor. Multiple slashes are hit upon him but he barely flinches. Otto grabs his blade and punches his chest, throwing him further from where attacked. Decade manages to hold onto the rocky floor and stop him from going out of the area.

Otto summoned a pair of spears and appeared upon him. Decade manages to dodge several stabs but is hit by one of them, causing him to be thrown to the center of the area. Decade pulls out a Slash attack card and activates it, boosting the damage of his blade. Decade activates his final attack card and rushes toward Otto with his blade. His attack managed to tremble Otto but not enough to break his armor.

The gold knight kicks him with powerful energy and throws him near the cross. Decade switches his Ridebooker mode to a firing mode and tries to shoot the restrain on Welt. Knowing Decade would try to release Welt, Otto throws his spear at him, stabbing and teleporting him to Otto. When he got teleported, Otto fired his spear point-blank at him. Causing the Decade to be pinned onto a wall.

Decade tries to release himself from the spear but it is already stabbed through his armor, effectively pinning him to the wall. The gold knight raises his hand and snaps his fingers, firing a flash upon him. The light travels across the arena instantly as if it were a light bulb that shines instantly after it is turned on.

A bright explosion shines across the domain, seeming to effectively kill Hakatsu with bare effort. The cross above Hakatsu fell due to an unbalanced terrain, effectively releasing Welt from the restrain. Once the dust blows away, a figure appears in between the floating dust. Decade has survived a deadly attack.

"Still eager for more, don't you?!"
Otto channels energy onto his left arm and forms a mirage of a bow. He points at Decade who's in a harsh shape as Otto charges his mirage bow.

When Decade was struck by Otto's strike, his Decadriver flowed an unknown substance into his body. Making him return to where he was 5 seconds ago. However, he still bleeds from the previous attack. The armor has broken off at the area where he was hit, making his left collar exposed. Hakatsu doesn't feel familiar with it unlike when he transforms for the first time with the belt. It's a small matter for the time being as he must prepare for the next strike Otto is about to send out.

The Magenta Rider inserts his Final Attack card into his belt and aims his gun at the Gold Knight. Decade fires first at him, attempting to stop Otto's attack. However, it was too late. The light arrow has been fired and his powered blast isn't enough to stop it.

Beneath his helmet, Hakatsu closed his eyes and the arrow exploded upon hit. The explosion was bright and destructive enough to end the Magenta Rider.

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