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I remember when I was taken back to Karen's, I had a roommate who had "potty problems" and was put back into diapers full time and that gave me an idea. What if I started to do the same thing? Would I be back into diapers? and so I came up with a plan. to start having "accidents" just like my roommate. That meant I had to go all in. I would have to use my pants for everything.

So at the age of 8, I was watching Paw Patrol with my roommate who was wearing just a diaper and a T-shirt, when I decided it was now or never. My stomach had begun to rumble. My bladder and bowels needed to release, so I pushed until I felt a big, warm, mushy brown load go into the back of my underwear. Then after that, I relaxed my bladder muscles as a warm liquid flowed into my undies, soaking them and my pants. As I sighed in relief, a puddle pooled under me. My roommate, who was super preoccupied with watching TV, hadn't noticed what I had done in my pants, so I just sat down and continued to watch TV until Karen came in and said, "Oh no Askari did you have an accident?" I think, well now is my chance. I say while looking down, "Yeah, I was hoping that you wouldn't notice because I was scared you would get mad." "OK then, let's get you two stinkers cleaned up," she says as she picks up Nick and takes my hand leading me into the room.

When we get there, she changes Nick's diaper and takes me into the bathroom to give me a bath. As she is bathing me she says, "Now I know you're not a baby, but I'm gonna wash you just to make sure you're all clean and I'm gonna have to put you into one of Nick's old pull-ups, but if you can go the rest of the day with no more accidents, you can have your undies back, if not it's back to diapers for you young man." After she is done She holds open the pull-up as the water is draining. I stepped into it and and she pulled the padding up onto my waist. She then sighs and says, "please keep this dry for me I don't need two little boys running around in diapers." I think to myself, Well I'm sorry Mom but you're going to have another kid in diapers, me.

The Warrior's Journey Book 1: the BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now