Just a Dream

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After a bit of playing in my wet and messy pull-up, Karen came over to Nick and me with my sister right behind her and she asked, "Did someone go poo-poo because it certainly smells like it?" She then began to check Nick's diaper and said, "Nope, it isn't Nick, Askari, is it you?" I knew it was me, but instead of admitting it, I decided to shake my head no. Karen then said as she stood me up to check my pull-up like a little toddler, "OK, I'm gonna check just to make sure though, and yes it is you, you little stinker" She sighs as she takes me over to the car, "I guess it's back to diapers for you then" She then places me on the backseat of the car under a towel and begins changing my pull-up into a diaper. As she is changes me I think, it's finally happening I'm gonna be put back in diapers!I then hear crying for some reason and I open my eyes to realize that it was all a dream. I groggily get up and notice my roommate Nick crying for his sister and i think he must've wet the bed again. I decide decide that it is time to get up and get ready for another day, the day that i was separated from my sister. 

A/n: Hey Guys sorry for the short chapter I'm pretty sure the next one will be longer and emotional.

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