Just Like Me

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After the bath, it was lunchtime, so Nick and I sat down in our booster seats because I was very short for a 7-year-old and Nick was just a hair shorter than me. We had grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch and by the end, Nick and I were a cheesy mess.

After we were done, Karen commented on how she might need to get bibs for us because we were so messy, making me blush, but excited at the same time. After lunch, we got some shorts on over our diapers and went out to the park to wait for my sister to get out of summer school.

Before we went out the door, Karen asked me if I needed to go potty before we went out, and even though I kinda had to go pee, I just shook my head no.

Karen then said as she pulled my pants, "OK then, let's check you and Nick before we go." "It looks like you're dry still. Good job Askari," she says as she pulls my pants back up. She then moves over to Nick and comments on how he is a bit wet but not needing a change just yet. She then says as she grabs Nick's and soon to be my diaper bag, "OK now that everyone has been checked, let's go to the park."

On the car ride there, as I was sitting there in my booster seat, I heard Nick begin to push and grunt until I heard a sigh of relief followed by a fart and then a hissing sound.

I guess Karen heard it too because she sighed and asked, "Nick, did you go potty in your diaper, or was that you Askari"

Nick, with a Pacifier in his mouth and smiling, said, "Yes Mommy, it was me. I went poo-poo and pee-pee"

Karen then said, "OK as soon as we get to the park, I'll get you changed"

This made me extremely jealous, watching him happily sitting in a wet and messy diaper and sucking on a pacifier. I thought to myself as a tear rolled down my cheek. I wish I was him being able to be a baby, not having to worry about anything. Why couldn't I have a happy child or toddlerhood like him? As I was thinking about this, we arrived at the park. I quickly wiped away my tears as Karen parked.

Karen then said, "We're here, let's get that diaper changed, Nick." As she was changing Nick, I went over to the swings and began to swing absentmindedly. When Nick was done being changed, he came over to me and asked me to play with him. I agree and we head over to a sandbox and play in the sand when suddenly my stomach begins to rumble, signaling I have to go poop again. So I begin to push and grunt until I sigh in relief as once again I poop my pants, but this time I'm wearing a pull-up. Nick was looking at me, confused when he saw me squat down, but then he realized what I was doing and smiled through his pacifier.

Once I was all done pooping, he looked up at me and said, "You like going potty in your pants too?"

I nodded my head as I relaxed my bladder muscles, feeling a warm liquid flow into my pull-up with a hissing sound. Then, once I had finished, I sat back down, feeling the mess in the back of my pull-up smash onto my butt. It was at this point that I realized and said, "Wait you also like it"

He giggled, "Finally you realize it and it's not just diapers, it's everything from wearing diapers to being treated like a baby. It's so much fun"

The pieces were finally clicking. Nick was just like me.

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