Getting to LA

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Eventually, the day when we would embark to Los Angeles finally came. I could barely sleep the night before, I was ecstatic. We got up in the wee hours of the morning, the birds weren't even awake yet. We all the piled into the car and drove off to adventure.

I slept and played on my 3DS until we got to LA. By the time we got there it was already dark. We drove into a gated community which is where someone from Aloma's family lived. I was really tired at this point and my Goodnite was absolutely soaked. When we got there I immediately changed into another Goodnite then went to bed on an air mattress.

The next morning I woke up wet as usual but this time with no wet sheets and that's when i remembered that the talk Aloma and i had about the trip. The talk was about how i have been wetting the bed every night lately and that I would have to wear Goodnites on the trip because it would make the issue less of a hassle.

I was taken out of my thoughts by the smell of delicious bacon, eggs, and pancakes. I went into the kitchen to find Aloma's brother's wife cooking. i then sat down at the table rubbing my eyes tiredly as she said good morning and informed that everyone else was still asleep.

I asked, "should i go and get them up for breakfast?"

she then said, "no not yet but I think you should change. your pull-up looks very wet." She said whispering the last part.

Blushing I replied, "oh yea I kinda forgot that i was wearing this sorry." I then got up and started heading towards the bathroom to take a shower. On my way out I ran into Aloma who commented on how adorable I looked making me blush even more. After I cleaned up in the shower I put on my Pokémon undies which honestly felt a bit weird compared to my Goodnites which were a bit thicker.

Brushing a thought out of my mind I headed out back to the kitchen and ate a delicious breakfast that by the end my hands and face were a syrupy mess. Aloma's niece was giggling while I whine as Aloma cleans my hands and face with a loving smile.

After breakfast we decided to go have a picnic near the Hollywood sign, so off we went to a hike up to the Hollywood sign.

A/N this isn't the final product I will be adding some pictures soon i just wanted to get another chapter out since you have been so supportive. Thank you so much🤗

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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