2 - diamond tears in darkness

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The group watched the front door of the house open five minutes earlier than expected. Danilo stood at the door and gestured for them to come inside. He had fear on his face but happiness in his eyes. That made the group feel uneasy. They entered the house to see the small omega lying limp on the couch. By his delicious scent mixed with a foreign bitter smell, the alpha could tell they had drugged him.

"I mixed some sleeping pills in his food, he should be awake within a few hours." The dad said. "He's all yours to take."

Jonathan, Joon, and Liam were disgusted by how easily Danilo had given his son to a stranger. They had sold him off without hesitation. Zaire didn't seem to be like his parents. He didn't give that vibe. The omega seemed kinder than them. Woo moved forward and picked up the drugged wolf into his arms. Zaire fell limp against his chest, tears slipping out of his closed eyes. He was very light, weighing almost nothing to Woo. The alpha looked at the parents to see no pity or sadness in their eyes. What they heard next out of the mother's mouth almost made his friends feel sick.

"We have a request." She spoke and the alpha looked at her. "If you could lessen our amount a little bit, we would be so grateful. In return, you can do whatever you want to that boy until he comes back to us. He is unmarked so you don't have to be afraid. No one has ever been with him."

Unconsciously, Woo's hands tightened on the gorgeous omega in his hands. The wolf was straight-up disgusted by these two beings. All his friends glared at the parents who stood in front of them with happiness on their faces. What was wrong with these people?

"One month. If you don't pay off my father's debt in that time, you're never getting your son back."

"Yes, s-sir." Danilo gulped as they walked out of the house.

Their vehicles were parked a few blocks away from the house and the moment they reached, Joon turned to his brother. "Hyung, can you please tell us what's going on?"

Jonathan spoke next, gaze unpleased as he stared at the alpha wolf. "Woo, what the hell are you thinking? I hate to say this to you but this omega doesn't deserve this. Let's leave him somewhere else, where they can't find him."

"He's mine for a month, he's not going anywhere." The alpha growled out while clutching the unconscious man.

"This is not like you, Woo." Liam said while staring at the alpha. "What are you planning to do with him?"

The tall wolf didn't answer. He placed the small man in the passenger seat of his car and buckled him in. Liam walked over to the tall man and held his arm. "Please let him stay with me while his parents are paying the debt back."

"You want me to do what?" The alpha gritted out and the blond man gulped nervously. Even though Woo was their friend, he was still an alpha. The family that this wolf came from never obeyed any commands from someone.

"Woo, this poor thing isn't like his parents. Did you see how scared he looked when he walked in? He doesn't deserve any pain and I know you're not the type to mess around like this. I'll just have him live with me and you can come see him from time to time if you want. Please listen to me." The short vampire begged.

"Hyung, he's going to be safer with Liam. If he suddenly goes into heat or you go into a rut, it's going to be a big issue." The younger man said and Woo sighed.

"Take him." The tall man ordered but when Jonathan and Liam moved forward, he gave them a warning. "If he tries to escape from your place, he's gonna stay with me until his parents' debt is collected."

"He won't escape." The blond man said confidently. "I'll text you if anything goes wrong."

Jonathan took Zaire out of Woo's car and placed him in Liam's black Mercedes. The tall vampire nodded at the smaller man and closed the door. Without caring, Woo sat inside his black Dodge Challenger and drove away, the loud exhaust screaming in the air. Joon sighed and stared at Jonathan who had confusion written over his face.

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