13 - life written in his palms

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"Woo, you have a big match tomorrow night. Make sure you rest well when you get home." Songjoon said to his son, false worry dripping from his greedy voice.

Woo walked out of the gym without replying to the man. The alpha drove home with questions in his head. When he reached, Zaire was setting up his dinner in the dining room. Katana was fast asleep in the living room and the wolf didn't want to wake her. Woo went to shower and when he came back downstairs, the omega was nowhere to be found. The older man noticed that Zaire hid a lot the moment he came home. The omega was so quiet that sometimes the wolf would forget Zaire was even living with him. It was only by his intoxicating scent that Woo could tell Zaire was in the house.

The alpha had dinner and went upstairs. He opened the door to a spacious bedroom that was dimly lit. There was a Californian King bed in the middle of the room, with a crystal chandelier above it. The wall above the bed's headboard held a large painting of colorful koi fish underwater, a souvenir from Japan. The other walls were filled with paintings of abstract art all matching the color black, with specks of white. The left side of the room had two doors. One of them led to an enormous walk-in closet full of designer items and clothes. The other door led to a nude-colored bathroom with most items inside of it, made of marble.

The right side of the room had two black wingback chairs facing a glass door which led to a spacious balcony. The balcony was filled with small pots of pretty flowers. In the middle, there was a small wooden table, surrounded by small wooden stools. On the side, there was a brown-colored swing chair. From the balcony, Woo could see the garden and the calming view of the open sky. He had spent countless sleepless nights on this balcony. Woo picked up his phone and climbed into his bed. The wolf turned on the lamp on the nightstand next to the bed and began reading the pdf file.

Name - Zaire Cruz
Birthday - 09/24/2001
Sex - Male
Height - Five-One
Weight - 110 Pounds.
Nationality - American.
Status - Unmated Omega Wolf
Occupation - See Page Three.
Fears - Darkness. Thunder. Heights. Bugs.

Woo knew his friend had made an accurate report because of the last fear that was written. The memory of Zaire's sweet voice telling him to get rid of the spider came to his mind. Woo felt his heart race weirdly as he remembered the small hand gripping his bicep. No omega had ever held him like that, many had tried to but Woo never gave them that chance. When Zaire held his arm, the man realized that he didn't mind it. Woo liked it. He swiped to the next page to see information about his parents.

Father, Danilo Cruz. The man was forty-five years old and born in the Philippines. He moved to Los Angeles at the age of ten with his parents who had passed away five years ago. Lost contact with his parents after marrying his wife through court. Mainly worked part-time jobs day and night when his wife was pregnant. Found a stable job at a garage shop that he partially owns now due to the previous owner selling it off.

Mother, Adisa Cruz. She was a year younger than Danilo. An African-American woman born in New York. She grew up in California and moved to Los Angeles after meeting her husband. The two met while Danilo was visiting relatives in Cali, the two had stayed at the same hotel. Zaire's parents fell in love at first sight with each other. Adisa came from a richer background but her family had disowned her after she became pregnant without marriage. Neither family had approved of their relationship.

Woo snickered as he read more. The parents were right about not wanting them together. These two people being together was not a good combination. Now look what they had done, ruined the life of their child but it seemed like they were living their own to the fullest. Next, he read about their issues.

Danilo was an alcoholic who drank secretly while Adisa abused drugs when she was out with her friends. They both loved money. Instead of sending him to college, they forced their son to work at the age of eighteen and manipulated him into giving them eighty percent of his salary. The amount taken from their son but not used for debt adds up to ninety thousand dollars.

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