6 - lost control without knowing

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"It hadn't been even an hour since we left him there and this is what they did to him." The blond man said and the alpha looked down at the omega.

Zaire had his eyes closed as he curled up pitifully against the couch. There was a dark blue bruise on the left side of Zaire's face as if he had been punched. His face was full of distress and he whimpered while taking deep breaths in and out. Dark blood seeped through the white t-shirt the omega wore. Jonathan took off his jacket and gave it to Liam who covered Zaire's lower body with it. Joon went to the kitchen and grabbed a first aid kit along with a pair of scissors. When he came back, Liam cut the shirt open and took it off of Zaire.

"Oh my god." The blond man placed a hand on his mouth in shock as the smaller man's upper body came into view. Zaire's lower arms, chest, and stomach were filled with dark red whip marks as if he had been hit hard by a belt. Some of the marks were slightly bubbled up, leaking small streaks of blood.

"I'm calling Joshua to get him checked up." Jonathan said and went outside to call his cousin who was a doctor. They couldn't risk taking him to a hospital yet.

Tears fell from Liam's eyes as he caressed Zaire's distressed face. "They don't deserve him at all, Woo."

The alpha stood in silence while looking down at the omega. The vampire wiped away his tears and opened the first aid kit. "Joon, can you help hold him, please? I'm gonna clean his marks."

Woo moved forward before Joon could. Joon's jaw almost fell as his brother sat down and pulled the omega on his lap. Zaire's warm back was pressed against Woo's chest and his thin waist was held by one of Woo's large arms. Joon went to the kitchen to get something while the two began. Liam pulled out a cotton gauze and soaked it with saline solution. Just as they expected, Zaire jerked awake the moment the wet cotton touched his chest.

"No..I'll be good..I promise." The omega whimpered as he panicked. He tried to move around but Woo held his waist tighter. The smaller man panicked and begged for mercy, eyes still closed.

"Please don't hit me..please." Zaire struggled until he felt a pair of cold lips against his ear.

"Open your eyes." Woo said with his deep voice. Hearing a familiar deep voice, the omega opened his eyes and saw Liam cleaning the blood off his marks. He turned his head to see Woo's face right next to his. A pained yelp escaped his pink lips as the vampire accidentally pressed too hard on the tender skin. Liam hissed in panic, feeling bad.

"I'm so sorry, Zaire. I didn't mean to do that." Liam pressed a soft kiss on Zaire's hand while apologizing.

"I-I don't know why you guys are here but can y-you do me a favor?" The smaller man asked and Liam could see defeat in the omega's eyes.


"Can you please leave me in a place where I can die in peace?" Brown eyes pleaded and Liam looked at Woo. The alpha held Zaire tighter as the omega spoke more. "I-I would rather die than live like this."

"Stop talking like this, Zair-" Liam's words were cut off by Zaire again.

"Please..I-I would rather die once instantly than die day by day while being treated like a toy that needs to please anyone my parents w-want me to. Please kill me or else they will sell me again." The omega fell limp in the taller man's arms again and Liam's hands shook.

Woo noticed the trembling and grabbed one of Liam's hands, squeezing it. "Liam, calm down."

"Woo, how can I calm down when a twenty-two-year-old man is telling me he wants to die? He hasn't even seen the wonders of life and they're treating him so badly that he wants to kill himself. Look at how young he is. You're ten years older than him." The alpha stayed quiet, letting Liam vent. "Look at this poor boy. How can a parent do this to their child? With what he's saying, they're probably going to sell him again to god knows who. What if it's not a good person? Why are they treating him more like an object rather than their blood?"

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