Chapter One: Broken

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I pulled my shawl more tightly around my shoulders and bit back another set of tears. I held onto the rails of the balcony tightly as if to share some of the pain I was feeling deep down. My heart was in pieces my mind was in agony as it flashed with the good and bad memories. I stood alone and felt alone as my eyes stared into the distance but all I saw was fog. My eyes stared inward into my mind and took me on another excruciating trip down memory lane


"Layana?!" I jumped back and turned around to be met my the brown wide excited eyes of non other than my best friend Olivia.

"Are you crying" She sighed.

"We promised we weren't crying tonight" She jabbed her finger at me. I didn't even notice I was crying until she mentioned it. Maybe I wasn't as strong as thought at hiding my emotions.

It was our graduation party tonight. Every final year student was dressed in for the occasion short dresses for ladies and men were in suits as per the dress cord by whoever sexist asshole who thought it was a good idea for women to dress half naked and men to cover up. I wasn't a feminist and I wasn't against the short red dresses both me and liv were wearing. We looked pretty tonight in the strapless short red dresses and I could have been dancing with my other classmates if my heart wasn't in pieces.

Med school had been rough. The sleepless nights, the assignments the depression, the tears. Finally we had graduated and we had promised ourselves we won't shed a tear no matter how emotional it got. No more tears even happy tears weren't allowed rule number one by liv. We had cried enough during the long semesters. Now that we were officially nurses we didn't need anymore tears.

"You are a mess laya, look you ruined your mascara" She whined as she wiped away the tears.

But one thing was missing. Honesty on my part. She didn't know this were not tears of joy. This were tears of pain. I had kept it from her since after our graduation which had been the previous day. I didn't want to ruin anyone else's mood on their happiest day. I wanted to tell her after the party. I hadn't even told my mom and step dad and my little sister Azalea. They were all so happy and I wasn't so selfish to ruin that for them.

"Come on sebastian and sophia just arrived, it's going to be craaazy" She said as she swang her hands in the air and swayed her hips. That was my breaking point as I let out a strangled cry that had Olivia stopping in her movements.

"Sebastian cheated on me with sophia." I said in between cries as she swept me into her arms and I convulsed in tear. "They were in bed together" I cried into her shoulder not caring about the make up anymore.

"Ooh my goodness layana" She sighed as she held me tighter. "Why didn't you tell me, honey?" She rubbed my back as my whole body quacked with tears.

"I didn't want to ruin your happiest day" I whispered unable to speak properly.

"Shhh it's okay, lala"she soothed me and I wetted her shoulders with my tears.

I shook my head and cried even harder as the memories of the previous day filled my head. It wasn't okay. In fact, it was far from okay.

The previous day:

"Liv hurry up we are going to miss breakfast" I tried to rush the shorter girl as she adjusted her cap on her head full of blonde hair which had refused to be tamed even with the thousands of products and Straitening she did on it.

"Ooh my goodness Laya calm down it's not like it's our graduation day and we should look our best." She mocked as she adjusted her cap again.

"Where is your cap anyway?" She met my eyes through the mirror as I applied my last strip of mascara to match my brown eyes and brown hair. Now that she mentioned it I realized I hadn't seen my cap.

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