Chapter five: The party

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All my doubts about Aarons idea soon faded as soon we stepped into the underground club. My complaints died in my throat as my eyes took on my surrounding. It was the biggest underground club I had been to. It was bustling with life. Which could make you wonder how anyone there was a club this deep into the country side. There was no way people living in this small town filled the parking lot upstairs. Which means it was not only us who drove hours to come party.

The level we were on had a large bar and boots scattered around the corners. The center was bare or could have been bare but it was now filled with moving bodies who were jumping and singing along to whatever the DJ was playing. The DJ was in a raised platform on the far end opposite the bar. I gawked as I basically got dragged away by olivia who was following Aaron closely. He was carring a wide bag on his back which no doubt contained his guitar. He dissapeared into a door beside the DJ's boot and we follewes. There were two door which had the male and female insignia on top. Beforeni could question what we were doing in the washroom.

"This way" Aaron said as he walked toward a staicase on the left which I hadn't seen. We went down another level and shocker! Another club in the club. This level had a bar at the entrance and not at the front where instead it had a large empty stage with instruments no doubt where Aaron and his band were gonna perform in a few.

We followed Aaron backstage where not much was happening but his crue was busy trying to do final touches on their hair and instruments.

"Where have you been asshole" A tall skinny black eyed guy confronted Aaron as soon as we entered. His long black hair fanned his face as he looked at Aaron with disappointment.

"At your moms place doing... " Aaron started.

"Don't you dare finish that statement" Long haired begun.

"Or what Lukas?" Aaron Smirked as the other guy's eye twitched but the end of his lips were slightly curled up in smile.

"Or you will join her in the grave" My mouth fell open at that statement but they both burst out laughing. Thank goodness their sense of humor was broken because this could have gone sideways.

"Well Luke meet my lovely friends Olivia and Layana" Aaron introduced us and only then did the guys eyes fell on us. Sorry, fell on olivia and he was basically undressing her and he must have drooled a bit. Well who could blame him. Liv was beautiful and tonight she was rocking a black short dress that barely covered her generous ass. Me and Aaron gave each other a knowing look before we melted away.

He introduced me to the rest of the group and Laurence the drummer, Lauren the singer and drummer too, Austin the singer and keyboardist, Maxwell the guitarist besides Aaron and I forgot their names as soon as they said them. They were a funny lot and I was sure not to miss Olivia, well maybe till they left.

"Hey sweetness ain't you a gorgeous little thing" Maxwell started as be winked at me. "Where has Aaron been hiding you from us?" He regarded me with a boyish grin and I couldn't help but compare him to Sebastian. But tonight was not about Sebastian and as Aaron put it earlier.

'To get over one man Laya you must get under another'

I wasn't the type to sleep with a guy I met once. But what did I know anyway, the man I love cheated on me and I'd do whatever it took to get over him.

"Shut up Maxwell, she is out of bounds for you" Aaron dismissed Maxwell who feigned hurt and clutched his chest. He was cute with his nose and lip piercing which made his hazel eyes pop. His red dyed hair look like a wild fire atop his head.

"I'm completely in bounds don't mind him" I returned a flirty smile andand everyone cheered except Aaron who looked taken a back and a little proud.

Go. Go. Tigeress.

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