Chapter Seven: The aftermath

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Cyrus paced back and forth in the conference room. His back was more hunched over than usual as if the weight of the world rested on his shoulders. He wiped a line of sweat from his brow. His walking cane was taking a lot more pressure than usual. Levon watched the old man but he didn't care much about him as he was lost in his own thoughts as he kicked his left leg uncontrollably under the table.

Roman was sited silently on the opposite side of the table. He was as calm as always but even he looked distraught. He had dark circles under his eyes as if he hadn't slept enough the previous night. Nobody had dared sleep. The red moon had gone down after three in the morning and only then had they stopped being vigilant besides wanting to go on a rampage themselves. But that wasn't why they had all their pants in a twist.

"Have you tried to reach him again?" Cyrus asked Roman for the third time. He knew better than to ask Levon again because he was on edge too and he could be the one flipping a table.

"I have. But he has shut me out again" Nathan said lowly and shut his eyes as he went back to sulking.

"Where were the both of you?" Cyrus seethed. No one answered him and he went back to his pacing. Roman's jaw ticked and Levon clutched onto his chair handles. He didn't knows how much longer he could tolerate the old man.

"Who else knows?" Cyrus stopped once again and pointed his question at Levon. He was in charge of protecting the alpha from himself after all.

"Nobody that I know of but who knows if anybody saw what happened at the clearing." Levon stressed.

"Two humans dead in our territory." Cyrus shook his head and sank to hus chair at last. " This violates the treaty if the fangs clan..."

"They won't know of this" Levon cut the old man off before he could finish that sentence. He didn't want to imagine what could happen. "Now can you just shut up" He snapped directing a glare at the old man.

The two engaged in a glare match which was only broken when the conference room doors burts open and the raggedy looking alpha walked in. For the first time he didn't look like he had a stick up his ass. He stalked slowly till be was at the head of the table and sank into his seat. He looked like he had lost a few pounds in the last few hours.

Zeran hadn't slept even after the red moon had long descended. He had a human female in his bed. He didn't want to admit it to himself what he had done.

A few hours ago he had walked into the pack house deep in the woods. He was the only one who resided there. He carried the passed out female in his arms. A thousand thoughts filled his head. She looked so fragile and beautiful. He hated it. He wanted to snap her neck and forget about what he had just done. But he couldn't bring himself to harm her.

He laid her in his bed and covered her naked body reluctantly with his duvet which swallowed her small form fully. He wanted to stay and watch her as she slept a little longer which made him burts with rage.

He walked out of the pack house as if it was on fire and locked the door behind him. He paced back and forth at the door.

'What have I done?' He thought. He had not only killed two humans. He didn't care about them much though. They were scumbags and he could do it all over again and again. He could deal with whatever consequences that came with it. But that was not the only problem. He had marked a human in his moment of rage and jelous. He had lost it and marked her.

'She is our mate' Zero tried to reason with him but he was not having any of it. She couldn't be. He couldn't have a human mate. That was just absurd. He knew it deep down the truth but he didn't want to admit it. The pull towards her was annoyingly undeniable. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever laid his eyes on. Her fragile yet full features were so beautiful. He got hard just by thinking about it. He smell alone had almost brought him to his knees. She smelled of the sea and strawberry.

He snapped and shifted before bursting into the woods. He ran and ran like his life depended on it he killed a few more rogues who weren't even a threat to his territory. What was the moon goddess playing at? Was his life a joke to her? A human mate? A human freaking mate? She had to know how much he hated humans and he despised how weak and stupid they were. Now he had one in his bed and be couldn't even bring himself to snap her neck. He threw his head and howled into the darkness that was starting to break allowing the morning to break in.

He walked back to the pack house but he couldn't even bring himself to open the door and go inside. He circles the house and listened carefully. He could hear her heart beating slowly. She was still asleep. He addicting scent faintly reached his nose and he had to fight the urge to go on another run.

Cyrus Nathan and Levon tried to reach him through the mind link he blocked them a thousand times but they couldn't just leave him. Why couldn't anyone just give him a break. He knew he had to tell them what had happened and warn them against sharing this information with the rest of the pack. He huffed and throttled through the woods.

"Took your sweet time I see?" Levon stated as soon as Zeran was sat. He didn't want to give a chance to cyrus to open his big mouth. He did want to ruffle the big guys truffles.

"What is this about?" Zeran asked through his teeth.

"Why don't we start on the two dead humans at the edge of our territory?" Cyrus snapped not liking Zeran's attitude.

"What about those scumbags Cyrus? I'll kill them again and again if the opportunity presented itself" Zeran almost growled remembering how they almost raped her.

Cyrus huffed and sucked in an exasperated breath. He pulled at his gray hairs and grinded his teeth.

" They were trying to rape her" Zeran said dangerously.

"Her? Who?" Cyrus raised his brows and Levon and Nathan avoided his gaze.

They had avoided to tell him that piece of information god forbid cyrus heard it from them that the alpha had a human female in his arms last night. The old beta could have chewed them with questions till They lost it. They also didn't know who that female was and they all snapped their eyes to their alpha.

"She is non of your business" Zeran rested his hands on the table and looked at the old man's eyes.

"Actually she is, especially if people are out there looking for her, our pack isn't a daycare for careless females who almost get themselves raped" Cyrus said refusing to backdown as usual.

"She is my mate"

Zeran snapped standing to his feet in rage and zero almost made his appearance as his claws elongated. He did not like his mate being disrespected human or wolf.

Everyone gasped and even Roman took a sharp breath.

"Mate?" Levon breathed the question before he could even think.

"A human mate? Impossible" Cyrus said getting to his feet. He looked bewildered and lost for a minute before he shut his eyes.

"It can't be" He said to himself. He walked out of the room with needles on his heels.

"Don't breath a word to anyone" Zeran said sitting back down.

"Yes alpha"

" Of course" Roman and Levon both answered.

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Author: Eglahbev

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