Chapter Four: The red moon

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He hated every second of it but he knew it had to be done for his sake and the sake of his pack. They could have done it in the pack house that was build deep in the woods for occasions like this but cyrus had said that the cave was better since it was deeper into the woods and it could guarantee the safety of everyone.

The cave had also been used centuries ago to imprison rogues and prisoners.
This had caused the destruction of two more boardroom tables and a dozen chairs.

It wasn't the cave that pissed Zeran off, it was the humiliation of having to be treated like a prisoner.

Nevertheless, he knew it had to be done. He lowered himself onto the stone carved chair in the cave. The silver chains hang from the wall pissed Zero off and he growled lowly in dissaproval.

"Do it"

He said through his teeth and Roman and Levon got to work.

It was their duty to protect the alpha and the pack and they were just but doing their duty. They were scared even as they chained their beast of an alpha to the stone in the cage. They pulled and tighten the silver chains around him. He hissed lowly with every touch of the silver on his skin but he remained still.

The alpha might have agreed to be chained but the alpha wolf, Zero, definitely didn't like to be restrained. He bared his canines and claws on intervals trying to take control from Zeran but Zeran pushed him back. He didn't like being imprisoned especially not tonight. Tonight was the red moon. He needed to be free.

Ten minutes later they were done and before they could take a second to admire their work,


Zeran hissed lowly through his teeth and they scurried out of there.

They didn't have to be told twice. Levon was stressed to say the least. The full moon was stressful enough but the blood moon was a savagery in itself. Levon and Roman had to fight their own wolfs against causing havoc whilst they kept the protectors in check to protect their borders and keep the newly transformed wolves from going out of control.

Blood was going to be shed.

Levon jumped into the air and shifted midway before taking off towards their town, he had a few miles of woods to cover, Roman wasn't much of the dramatic but he bounced into the air and shifted before taking off toward the fang and werewolf territory border. They had a long night ahead and the alpha being out of control was another problem to their list.

The cave was dark and cold. Zeran gritted his teeth as the silver from ate at his skin. The heavy silver chains were irritating him more than they were hurting him. There was still a few hours before the red moon appeared and his wolf grew antsy with every passing moment.

'Let me free' it roared in his head.

"Shut the fuck up zero!" He snapped back. They both were on edge and at one point on was going to win.

Zero wasn't helping the situation at all. The whispers and the voices had started yet again. They were not loud yet but Zeran knew it was about get worse. They were thirsty for blood and they demanded bloodshed. He remembered what had happened the last blood moon ten years ago. At least some of it. He tried to think of something else but he couldn't. The struggle within him continued and it got harder and harder as the red moon drew closer to appearing. The Moongoddess might have thought it a joke to torture him but he didn't find it funny and he wished she could let him on the joke.

Then something strange happened. The whispers and crazed voices stopped all at once. Zero himself stopped trying to take control and his ears pecked up. Something had caught his attention. Something had called onto him. Something had shifted in the realm once again and Zeran stomach dropped as he felt and smelt something new for the first time.


He was scared for the first time. Zero took charge his eyes red and ready to attack the fear, as if. Zeran didn't stop him this time around as he tore through the silver chains as if they were made of rubber. The fear was crippling and he let out a thunderous growl that shook the very foundation of the cave. He stood to his full height before transforming fully into his wolf. The black fur of zero matched the darkness of the cafe and his red eyes glowed in the darkness.

He had never felt fear before. He hated that the enemy he was fighting was invisible. This was worse than the whispers and crazed voices of the ancestors. But even them seemed silent when he actually needed them as a distraction. He stalked slowly out of the cafe, his canines bared and his claws elongated ready to attack anything that stood in his path.

The night was dark as he stepped out of the cave. But that lasted for only a second before suddenly the red moon filled the sky and suddenly the whispers were back more intense than ever. They weren't demanding blood this time they were screaming the same thing.


'Now what?" Zero growled.



This was more frustrating than blacking out. He wished he could black out like last time and wake up at dawn bathed in blood. The fear he was weirdly feeling went up a notch. He threw his head back and howled enough to be heard by every wolf. He could feel each and everyone of them as they shifted and let their wolves free. They howled back in unison and their howls filled the night. He didn't waste a second before taking off.

He could feel Roman and Levon pushing through to his mindlink but he shut them out and focused on his primary goal which at the moment was fear. He needed to find the source of his fear.

The wind caressed his fur as he tore through the woods at full speed. He was basically a blur as he jumped over logs and doged trees in his way. After a few minutes every that passed he could feel the fear growing. He could basically taste it on his lips but this time it was accompanied with something sweet. He could smell the sweet smell from miles away as it wafted into his nose. Then it was lost and he was left with just the feeling of fear.

'Faster, faster, faster' the whispers filled his mind and he was trying his best not to run into a tree if they kept distracting him. He could feel it, he was getting closer.

He was close.

He was almost at the border of the human territory, he burst into a clearing and screeched to his feet as he smelles it before he saw it. The source of his fear accompanied with a sweet scent. It was intoxicating his senses. But that was not all.

Something was wrong, and he had never felt the need to protect as much as he did. He saw red and charged forward as the whispers demanded he protected.

They wanted to shed blood. But be was more than willing to shed blood this time.

He growled dangerous and charged forward.

Fuck the treaty

Fuck the treaty!

As usual I love me a good cliff hanger.

I love cliff hangers.

Keep you guessing (cackles evily)

Read if you can and vote if you like is the policy

I love you dear reader. See you in the next chapter

Author: Eglahbev

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