Chapter Eleven: The Ride

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I snuggled deeper into the covers but I couldn't quite get them to cover me fully. The bed shook violently before stabilizing. I tried to go back to sleep but then it jolted. Wait? Was the bed moving? I opened my eyes slowly and they were swallowed into the darkness.

I sat up almost too quickly and my sore muscles protested. Why was I sore? Where was I? I slowly took in my surrounding. I was in a moving car and I had been sleeping on the entire back sit. I was really dark outside and I couldn't make out anything. I couldn't see who was driving but I could see the outline of a man.

"Where I'm I?" I tried to say but it came out as barely a whisper. But he somehow heard me.

" I see you are awake. I'm Roman, I'm taking you home"  A gruff voice unfamiliar voice replied from the front sit. He didn't say nothing more. I waited for a more elaborate explanation but it never came... My eyes were adjusting to the darknees and I was starting to see a bit clearly. The man driving was good looking and so put together to be merely a driver. He infact was one of the most good looking people have ever seen. He looked like a chauffeur from a mafia movie. So tight and crisp and focused.

"Who are you?" I asked and it came out more hostile than I intended. He didn't answer for a while and the silence kept stretching for minutes. He made a turn and I could see the streets were getting famiar.

" Alph...Zeran asked me to get you home ma'am" He answered finally.

My memory seemed to come back to me. I had woken up in a strange mans bedroom and he has said he was a dog. He also said he didn't sleep with me. He was the most good looking man have ever laid my eyes on. His dark eyes stared into my soul.

Why couldn't he wait for me to wake up? Why did he have his chauffeur take me home? My chest twisted  with pain by that fact. Didn't he want me in his presence so bad that he had to get  rid of me while I was asleep? Why did that even matter. I didn't know the man and depending on his looks I wasn't the type of woman he'd go for. So why was I feeling disappointed that he wasn't the one to take me home? How did they know where home was? My mind was running in circles and I couldn't come up with any logical explanation. My thoughts were mumbled and my head was hurting.

"Ooow" I groaned as I rested my head on the back of the seat. A breeze brushed by stomach. I looked down and I was wearing a tiny shirt. It was a size smaller and some shorts that were holding onto me like a glove. What the fuck? I remember passing out while I was naked. Not passing out I was in pain. It was the most pain I had ever felt in my life. Then I don't remember anything. Who the hell changed me??

"Who the fucks clothers are this?" I said more to myself.

"I'm not well versed with female attires ma'am" The chauffeur answered coolly as he maneuvered onto my streets. Of course he didn't know. Maybe that man changed me. My cheeks burnt and I scolded myself.

I wrapped the large jacket around myself more closely. It smelles familiar and I sniffed deeply. It smelled of woods and earth. It gave me some comforting feeling. That was weird. Maybe it was because I was pulling up to my home street.

It came to a stop in front of my house. He was out as he proceesed to come open my passanger door. I stepped out and the cold September cold slapped my face and bit into my skin. He was more handsome now that he was standing under the street light. His bronze skin blended into the darkness. His long dread hair that was shaved on the sides was tied at the back of his head. He moved with inhuman grace and I wondered just what the relationship with him and that man who's room I had woken up in.

"Thank you" I breathed as I stepped out meeting his silver eyes that were set in a thin line. He locked the door behind me and nodded stiffly and shoved a gadget in my hands. My phone. I stared at my phone for like seconds. No doubt that's how they knew where I stayed. How very charming of them to stalk my personal information.

I turned around to give that steel eyed  bronze skinned chauffeur a piece of my mind but he was already pulling the black sleek Mercedes Benz out of the packing lot as if his ass was on fire. Weird. Now that I thought of it something wasn't right and what was I gonna say to him anyway. I was glad I got home in one peace. I tried to convince myself that that was enough but was it?

I walked up the steps and into my house. I tried to flicker my phone but it flashed a below battery before going dead. Great just great. I could tell it was late and I didn't have my keys. Considering I was not even in my clothes that was the least of my worries.

Aron and Olivia. I was with them. Was it even yesterday? I didn't even have any sense of time. This is why I hated going out. The hangovers and the disorientation for days. Where were those two? They could be worried sick. What of my mother and step dad. I was in so much trouble. I was about to turn around when the foyer lights came on on and my mom stepped out.

"Laya honey you made it Zeran said you were with him and hell be  dropping you off"

"Wh-what" I stattered. That weird good looking guy said that to my parents.

"Olivia and Aaron left a few hours ago after he called, they were so worried you should call them"

"Don't go mia like that again" Suddenly my mom's voice broke. " We didn't know where you were for hours and I thought because of Sebastian you.... You... "

"I'm sorry mom" I pulled the shorter woman into a hug. I felt like such an ass for worrying everyone. I wish I knew what had happened during that time but I was totally in the dark too.

We said our goodnights and I drugged my body upstairs. I had just woken up but I was tired. I barely managed to shrug out of the tight shorts and slid into the covers before I passed out again.  The only difference was this was not a peaceful slumber and I was never going to sleep peacefully in a while.

Welcome dear reader to yet another chapter.

Well?? Things are about to turn fir the worst or the best.

Cackles away. The suspense sure is killing me.

Well you already know.

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See you on the next chapter dear reader

Author : Eglahbev

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