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Chapter Thirteen, "Flooded By Grief."


An light illuminated the jedi temple, the light of an funeral, masters, knights, they all mourned the master's depart to an unknown part of the force.

The force worked in mysterious ways, one could die, but as long as that person was remembered, by better or worse, that person would never be gone.

Eventually one by one left the crematory room, all of them giving their condolences to the padawan who had lost his master, telling him that everything would be okay, some didn't say too much, perhaps just an pat on the shoulder, but sometimes it meant a lot, perhaps they don't want to say so, so they do an action so simple as an pat or an hug to say, "I'm sorry for your loss." 

The padawan nodded at most responses and sometimes he would shake an hand, he wasn't in a great mood, but yet he greeted everyone and also said goodbye, just because of his manners, "I'm sorry." He heard an togruta.

The room was almost empty, now the only people that remained we're the padawan, and two masters. "Do no let grief consume you, padawan." Said the older master as the second in commander just walked away.

The padawan looked at the funeral room once more, and shred an tear, finally no one could see him, he could free his emotions, grief, pain, hatred.

More tears came out from his eyes, trying to forget the scene that repeated in his head, the lightsaber piercing trough his master's chest, he clenched his fists, how useless he felt at that moment, 'Don't blame yourself now.' he heard an voice on his head, telling him to not blame himself?

Who to blame really? the padawan, or the assassin, the correct answer was the assassin, but it could also be the padawan, depends on the point of view.

The padawan wiped away his tears and put back his hood, he walked away to his quarters until a new order from the council came.

'This will only make us stronger'  Spoke the voice of his head as the padawan walked down to his quarters, no lightsaber, no master, flooded by grief, and full of guilt, he would had a lot to think.


y/n pov

An day had passed since the funeral, i had a lot of free time to think, every time i tried to sleep i would hear those sounds again, the electrostaffs, the image of the lightsaber piercing my master.

it was morning, no sleep, no problem i suppose, i still wait for the council order, but honestly it's hard, there's nothing to do, no training since i don't have an lightsaber, and no missions because i could not be in charge of the horn company.

Basically i had to sit here and wait, although i can go to the city but, what's the point?

I exit my quarters and decide to go for a walk around the temple, i get looks from different masters and knights, padawans as well, this can't last too long, right?

Master kenobi walked towards me and spoke, "Hello y/n, how are you feeling?" Of course that was the first thing everyone asks, "Good, good, anything from the council, master?" I ask as i cross my arms.

"Yes, they want to see you, they have an special mission for you." Spoke master kenobi as i speak, "Well then, gotta go." I say as i walk but hear, "Oh and, i'm sorry y/n" said master kenobi as i just nodded, i guess the entire day will be like that.


Upon entering the council chamber i'm greeted by some of the council members, "Padawan l/n, glad to see you, we are." Spoke master yoda as i nod with an smile, "We have an task for you to do before you get assigned to an new master." Spoke master windu.

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