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In the cold planet of illum the jedi younglings were searching for their kyber crystals, ahsoka had already found her's but y/n was taking time that it began worrying ahsoka, "Worried are you, padawan?" Said master yoda who was at the entrance of the cave, "I am just that y/n is taking more time than the rest of us" Said the togruta worried.

"Worried you should be not, padawan l/n an way out he will find" Said master yoda.

Inside the cave y/n could be seen walking slowly, the cold had been consuming him slowly, he had been there for hours and he had yet not found his crystal, he was starting to lose all hope when he saw that the sun was starting to set and the cave door was starting to close down slowly, Suddenly he felt the force, it was guiding him.

Walking trying to not to fall down y/n went where the force guided him, finding an blue light that filled the cave, he slowly walked to it falling down right at the crystal, his eyes saw the crystal, it was light blue it reminded him about ahsoka's eyes, he grabbed the crystal and slowly made his way to the cave exit, he tripped on a rock when he almost left the cave, he could see the shadows of his fellow partners he tried to get up but he couldn't his legs were almost frozen and yet he still tried, until eventually.

He left the cave, at that moment the other younglings came to help him as they questioned him, "Alright lets give y/n some space" Said master plo koon who came with master yoda, he crouched and helped y/n to get up, "M-m-master" said y/n stuttering due to the cold, "Yes y/n" Asked master plo koon.

He opened his palm showing the light blue crystal, "I-i-i g-got it" Said y/n with an proud smile as master plo nodded his head and all of them returned to the ship.


At the jedi ship the younglings were building their lightsabers, ahsoka was about to finish her's some other younglings hadn't finished yet, "how are you going y/n have you chosen your hilt?" said ahsoka as she was going for an shoto saber hilt, "Hmm well i was studying form 2... they talk about curved hilts, maybe i should go for one of those.." Said y/n, "what about you barriss?" said ahsoka to her friend, "Oh i, im going for an simple lightsaber, form 5" she said, the three smiled.

finally the two finished, except y/n who was about to put his crystal in his saber, "Ah yes, an curved lightsaber, an form 2 apprentice i imagine" said the architect droid y/n nodded and inserted his crystal and then ignited it, the light blue filled the room, ahsoka smiled at y/n's achievement


Jedi temple, some days later.

"And 1 2 3 4 5 and 6" said one of the jedi masters who was teaching y/n the basics of form II who was replicating it almost perfectly, "Alright y/n that was a good session you may leave" said the master who was training y/n, as he was leaving he crashed onto ahsoka, "Oh im so sorry!" said y/n, "its my fault dont worry.. oh wait, h-hey y/n!" said ahsoka after realizing she crashed onto y/n or maybe y/n crashed to her, doesn't matter.

"Oh h-hey ahsoka! and master plo!" he bowed, "Don't need to bow padawan, were just here for training" said plo koon, "O-oh very well then i just finished mine." said y/n, ahsoka looked at y/n and y/n to ahsoka for some time, "I-I-I We gotta go!" said ahsoka as she ran into the training room, master plo nodded and walked in, y/n was still shocked for standing there and just appreciating ahsoka's eyes, it made him feel strange for an second.



Jedi Temple, The start of the clone wars.


Finally the training of the younglings had finally come to an "end" due to the clone wars some of them were being sent to war and with new masters, ahsoka had been sent with master skywalker, the so called chosen one, barriss had master luminara and y/n was assigned to master eeth koth on a mission to separatist space to break a blockade.

"Ready to go padawan?" said master koth, y/n looked at the temple for one last time until they returned, "Yeah, i am ready master, i am ready" he said as they boarded the cruiser.

This was going to be an experience 


hey everyone you may be asking, hey khaoz, and your oc book? did you forget about it? and the answer is, no! i haven't forgot about it but it so happens that well most of my reads that i ever got was from an ahsoka fic so i though of re-making it in with an jedi reader and i hope you like it :)

Remember that if you like it vote it and if you would like to give your opinion on each chapter i'll release drop an comment, im always up to reading everyone's comments :)

Anyways until next time!

-Your Blue Eyes- (Ahsoka X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now